S. Italy x Reader: Midnight gondola-pt. 2

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S. Italy x Reader

-Midnight gondola, II

Every night; when the clock chimes 12, you will hear a young man and a lovely young woman, talking ever so softly and chuckling ever so slowly, to let the moment sink in. As the water rippled caused by the slowly moving gondola-paddled by the man- both smiled.

Lovino-The young man- would only see the girl every midnight. She refused to tell him where she lived, avoiding the subject by giggling. Lovino asked the lady once "Do you have a phone number?", she tilted her head as if confused. He always met the girl-(Y/N)- near the canal in a gondola, with -still- a Victorian era outfit. The girl had an old accent, something he didn't bother with.

The Morning after, he decided to clean his room, for it started to smell foul. He hated work, usually wishing for the creator of the concept called "work" would have never lived. Cleaning his room, he forced himself to focus. This was also his chance to throw out, old things...

A few cleaning later Lovino came across a large box under his bed. It was dusty and seemed to have not been touched for about a century. He blew the dust away and opened it struggling a bit. A bug crawled out and he screamed... Half for the bug, half for the lady in the paintings staring right at him. But, how did the bug get there? The box was so compact that hot air swept to his face when he opened it. He coughed a bit. Lovino decided to scavenge the box, there were pictures and pictures, jewels, and paintings of the same girl, some with him in it.

The lady looked to be in her mid 20's, wearing Victorian outfits and gowns, drowned in jewellery and lockets. All the pictures in this box has caught his attention, until he came across a certain one. The picture contained the lady in a -still- Victorian gown, her back turned, her hair-well done-, sitting in a gondola near the canal. It was (y/n). There were letters too, and papers and papers of what seemed like diary entries. All signed at the bottom, (y/n).

"Dear diary, 15 April, 1889

I met a man full of charm this afternoon, near the canal. His name was Lovino Vargas. What a gentleman... He told me that he was just wondering around. He teased me a little and has asked me to enjoy a ride at the gondola with me sometime in the future. My chaperone told I must not go with strangers without my parent's permission.
Lovino handed me a paper and left, I hid it quickly to not let my chaperone take it away from me. I opened the paper and it was a note saying; "next week I will be waiting for you at the same canal, we can ride the gondola together, midnight, find a way to escape your chaperones. -Lovi" I only met him once and he already seems so trustworthy, though I shouldn't think that way, it's still bad. But I like him.

(First and last name)"

Sorry to cut it short... I'll do a third part.
If you guys want to, of course..... A cliff hanger.
This little series will continue until there are 5 parts.
I think!

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