•Hetalia x tomboy! Reader: chapter I

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Story by: MeiMeiSterling17
First chapter series I will be doing including Hetalia!

          (Y/n) (l/n) is the daughter of a wealthy family. But despite their wealth, problems always occur.  Your life has changed ever since your family became more famous. Less time was spent on you, and more time spent in money, fame, and businesses. This caused you to be rebellious; you would often run away, sneak, get into fights, and talk back to your mother and father.

         You had a spoilt rotten little brother who is always being in the schedule of the time of your parents, also does your twin sister. All of you were homeschooled and thus the only people you often socialize with, is the house maids.

Sometimes the house maids help you sneak out of the house, dressing you up in a boys' outfit. Frankly, this is what you call comfort. Once you were 14 you moved out (You are wealthy). Your father respected your wishes and will be providing you with the money needed for school and allowance.

          Without your father's surveillance, you cut your (h/c) hair short, wore boy outfits and practiced changing your voice. You were a smart little girl and is raised kindly- despite the bad background- you wanted to go to this all boys international boarding school. This made you determined to enter as a freshman, but! You wanted to go in as a boy (a/n duh it is an all boys school plus they don't accept girls!) . So throughout the whole summer you made a deal with the principal of the school.

Himaruya Hidakez was the owner and principal of the school; World Academy. And, you made a deal with him to enter you in the school as a boy. The deal consists of; no one shall know that you are indeed a female, you must participate in all class activities, help the school; such as cleanup and etc., and lastly you cannot go all lovey dovey with his students.

     Once the rules and the deal was agreed at, he handed you a inform and bowed, shaking hands afterwards. He eyed you whilst you were exiting the room. You looked back at him and he was smiling. You quickly made it out of the room not bothering looking back. The principal's smile turned to a big one.

.:This will definitely going to be interesting:.
🎭 End of chapter 1: Hetalia x tomboy reader
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So until we meet again Au Revoir Chéri!
Mei-Mei out!

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