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Hey Logan,

Realistic thinking my ass! There is a huge difference between being a realist and being a pessimist, and you, my friend, are a pessimist! 

Pessimist always expects the worst to happen. They tend to only see the negative possibilities. 

A realist is aware of both the negative and the positive that could happen and if one is more likely than the other, they accept that. 

You Logan, are most definitely not a realist, but a pessimist. You don’t see the good and bad in things, you only choose to see the bad.

Why the fuck do you do that? What broke the little boy inside you to become this?

I don’t know, but I promise you, I will find out.

Oh, and one thing you should know about me, I always keep my promises.

Which reminds me, that little promise you want from me; yeah, not going to happen. You’ve done something and this is your punishment, so let’s get it over with and you can then leave, and we never have to speak to each other again.

As for your ‘favor’, you can just suck up that little attitude of yours, and finish this service quickly, and you know how you can do that?

Tell me.

That’s it. You just have to explain what happened and you’re done! I don’t understand why you have to be damn stubborn, this service isn’t going to benefit anyone but you.

So get over whatever happened in the past, and start writing. Because I’m done being patient, I’ve got my life as well, and I’d like to finish this service before I die.

Argh, you are stubborn and mean, why? You aren’t going to answer that, are you?

Well, ignore that question then, imagining you with a smirk and then laughing, I’d rather not have an answer to those questions.

First off, Chief Dick-wad; seriously?

No offence, but how old are you? Five?

You said you were 19, I’m having a hard time believing that with all this bull.  

Speaking of bull, I don’t know what the cops want from you, all I know is that I’ve got to try and make you ‘spill the beans’ as a few people would say.

How I will do that, is a mystery. But I will do it, you’ll see, and when that time comes, I might not say ‘I told you so’.

Wow, now since that’s out of the way, I want to say: Sorry.

What I wrote back there sounded pretty bitchy, I’m just tired of Chief Adam telling me that I need to pick up the pace with things and how you should have ‘opened up’ and told me what you’ve done, yada, yada, yada.

I think I’m starting to understand your title for him, it sure suits him.

I swear I might just take that offer, I’ll talk to them and ask them to pay me, you know, out of the good of my heart.

(I really hope you noticed I was being sarcastic, if not, then you’re thicker than a brick.)

(No offence)

Blanca xx


Please tell me what you think bellow!
Hope you all enjoyed it :p
Dedicated to Daphne, for making the cover on the side! 


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