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                                     (sorry Beliebers, like seriously, don't be pissed!)


Please tell me you're alright? Please?

They came today, my parents. I didn't know what to do, other than sit still and stare blankly at the people whom attempted raising me.

Its hard, B. I'm not going to lie. Life is hard. 

That's why we live.

We're born, innocent, right? Then the world changes us, no, not the world. The poeple whom live in it do. They love to mess with people, and screw their lives up so they can have a good laugh.

That's what my father did. 

When he saw me blankly staring at them, he laughed.

More like barked like a fucking bitch, I think he's transgendered. Strange.

Holy shit, so both my parents are born females, but my father/mother wanted a dick, so (s)he got one...? 

What the actual living fuck?

Okay, screw this, I'm not going to give a damn anymore about them, B. You shouldn't as well. 

Don't give a damn about the people scaring you, I tried that when I was 5. It works.

It really does. But eventually you'll have to stand up to them, tell them what you really think, not what they want to hear. 

Promise me now, B. I'm keeping that promise you asked me too, I don't know why; but I'll always be here, keeping that promise, just for you.

Blanca, tell me what the promise is for, you know how shitty it is to wait and wait for an answer? 

I do, I've even done that to other people.

Does that make me a hypocrite? It does, doesn't it? Of fuck it, I can't help it.

I made a promise 3 years ago, to the only person who actually loved me, and cared for me. 

I broke that promise, B. I did.

She visited me after my parents were dragged out of my cell. Yeah, my transgender-ed father didn't like me calling him a fucktard, he is though. Really. It was quite amusing, to be honest.

 Imagine seeing the ugliest squirrel in your life, now imagine a water baffalo being dragged away with the squirrel. 

Then imagine a little rabbit bouncing everywhere, then imagine that same little bunny, swearing the fuck out of everything.

That is the exact reaction I got from her. It was hilarious, everntually she calmed down after my folks were taken away (and drugged, I saw it myself, and I couldn't stop laughing, its hilarious, you won't get it) the little bunny I mentioned earlier, yeah, she was pissed.

Beyond pissed.

And if you've ever seen a bunny angry, its impossoble (I'm completely serious, I think I ripped a muscle trying to contain my laughter) to not laugh. She sucker punched me in the gut, and I will admit.

It hurt like a bitch.

So it is official, I am infact, related to a bunny, a transgender, AND a weed enthusiast (a.k.a my mother) life's a beauty, ain't it?

Did that sound Australian? When you read it, I mean.  I don't know what to do anymore.

But right after a whole lot of swearing, and punching from Bunny's side, and a lot of groaning from me,(if you tell anybody, I will stuff you with teddy bear... stuffing... damn. I'm losing my mojo) Bunny decided to act all busness like on me.

And that was after I threatened to never give her a twinkie, again. If there is one thing you need to know about Bunny, is that she is in love with twinkies.

I nicknamed her Twink, weird name right? Lucky for you, I can't be bothered to come up with an amazingly creative nickname. 

You see, Twink also has a few issues. One of them being that she always keeps her promises.  

That's what I like about her, even in a crap filled world, you still got a few people  (like around the size of Justin Beiber's dick.... fuck, he isn't even a dude. He's a girl. Shit, I'm insulting you now, he's a... thing? oh screw it, you know what I mean!) whom ca be remotely 'good'.

How can you define the word good and bad? I mean, the difference is basically how you act, or the outcome of things.  They're both-in the end- just words, right?

Like if I said, 'holy shit, this is bad.' 

or 'Bloody hell, I'm in love with food.'

Okay, the last one was from Twink, can't blame me, she's crazy.


P.S Yo B, don't be scared, I'll beat up any person who would even think shit of you, and anyways; I'll protect you princess.


I love Logan, done. 

I can't believe I'm almost ending this story,I was thinking of the ending today, and I was in tears. I don't wanna end this XD omg, this is so friggin' weird.

Towards the end, I lost focus so it's crap. Sorry! 

Dedicated to northandsouth for making that AMAZING gif banner on the side. Isn't Lo smexy?



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