small break

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After the second exam we needed a break from the exams so that's what we got. Everyone got a week off yay. Jiraiya is coming back to the village I'm excited to see him especially since he promised me something I've wanted since I first met him . At the moment Lily and I are walking through town going to get groceries. " Hey y/n can I ask you something?" Lily asked 'she never calls me by name this must be serious' "what Is it?" "why did you break up with shikamaru? I thought you loved him." Lily questioned looking upset. "I do love him Lily. I always will but I have my reasons for breaking up with him. I always have a reason for what I do you know that Lily." I tell her she just nods and goes into deep thought. after we were done with the groceries I told Lily that I was going to train at the training grounds if she needed me. When I got there I saw Naruto training with.... "DADDY!" I yell and jumped on the sage's back giving him a big hug. "Y/n what are you doing here?" he asked "I came to train but since you're here can I have the gift you promised me?" I asked in excitement he hands me a scroll "YAY!" I say as I open It "so what do I do now?" I asked " Put a drop of your blood on the symbol that's in the middle and do this," he bite his finger drawing blood and  did a couple hand sighs ending with his hands on the ground saying " summoning jutsu." and a toad appears. "cool" I said and did what he told me to do and a wolf appears you see while he was  traveling I had him hunt down a familiar scroll for wolf's because they're the hardest to make a familiar and if you had one then you were considered powerful. "what do you want?" the wolf asked " I want you to be my companion." I said knowing the word familiar would offend him. "What makes you think you're worthy of me." he asks 'man I never really thought of that "Um.....well..i really like wolves and I just recently found out that my real father Is a wolf beast and so I thought It would be nice to have one." I sated the wolf's eyes widen when he hears Who my father was and he bows to me "I'm yours If you need anything ask I will help you, princess y/n" he said I freak out " you really don't have to bow or treat me like royalty because I'm not and please don't call me princess." "as you wish" he said and the contract was sealed. I look at Jiraiya and smile he said hell be my familiar i said (a/n the conversion was in your head.) he smiles back and pats me on the head "I'm proud of you Y/n. Now I have to train this brat I'll be home later and don't tell Lily I'm here yet I want to surprize her." he said I nod and start walking home looking at my new wolf " do you want me to carry you Y/n?" the wolf asked "I'm good besides I might be a little to heavy for you." I said the wolf smirks and said" let me rephrase get on my back I want to carry you." I giggle a Little and listen to what he said he carried me home easily "so whats your name?" I ask him   " you get to chose, Name me." he said......... be continued 

a/n hey guys I Need some help. I can't chose What to name the wolf so I want you to vote Spike, Shadow, or max 

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