Everything is fixed!......or is it??

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Recap... "everything will get better."

Y/n's POV

I woke up and and no one was home I couldn't leave the house with out telling someone where I'm going so I just sat on the couch and read. Later that day Jiraiya came home and he said he had a surprise for me he said to fallow him so I did we walked all the way to the training grounds and there I saw .....

"Lily.." I said as I starred at the small kid in front of me "hey mommy." She smiled I got angry and turned to Jiraiya "I swearing your using a genjutsu I will kill you!" I snapped at him and lily walks up to me "y/n I'm real... see" she said and then she touched. For some reason I couldn't believe that lily was alive I mean she can't be I held her dead body. Jiraiya could tell I wasn't believing it so he explained "lily did die but for some reason when she was being prepared for her funeral she woke up and walked off nobody wanted to own the fact they lost a body so they pretended it was in the grave." I couldn't believe she was alive she hugged me I hesitated to hug back but I did I can't believe it she's alive. "Did brother run away too?" She asked I nodded I knew she was asking about Sasuke she looked down at her feet like she was thinking about something then looked up smiling "Let's go see shika." She said I looked to the side thinking about the conversation I had with him yesterday "maybe not." I said but Lily grabbed my hand and started walking we ended up to a hill "this is where I met shika with choji." She said looking at the clouds 'weird she's not calling shikamaru daddy anymore or me mom what's going on?' As I thought that shikamaru came walking towards us I look away bat able to look at him "look at him." Lily whispered to me I looked up to see him shika had his hair down and it hung over his eye last it looked like he didn't go home last night his clothes were shill wet from the rain. I couldn't see his eyes but I could tell by the way he walked that he didn't sleep he stopped 4 feet away from me and dropped to his knees and tears fell from his eyes. "Y/n...." he said "can.... can we be a couple again?" He asked 'why is everyone acting so different?' I asked myself  "I couldn't stop thinking last night that you leaving meant we weren't together anymore," he looked up at me I saw his blood shot eyes and dark circles around them. He looked miserable he was still crying. "Do you ... not love me anymore??" He asked me I looked up at the clouds " I love you...." I said "but I don't think after everything that happened things will be the same." I said then Shika started laughing I looked down at him he looked insane he's eyes never blinked as he laughed like a maniac "you think that's an answer 'I do but things won't be the same' I though we would be together forever y/n and shika lovers for life." He said he got hostile and pulled out a kunai knife and lunges at me..,..

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