My Story Part 2

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"What's your name?" I asked he looks at me a little surprised "Gaara." He said I smile at him " maybe we can hangout later. How about tomorrow I kinda want to spend time with my sister." I say his eyes widened and jaw dropped " uh yeah sure can I bring my older siblings?" He asked I smile bigger if possible " yeah sure the more the merrier." I say then I feel eyes looking darkly at me I look at where the looks are coming from to see a unhappy kazekage. Oh well "can you guys leave now I want to spend some time with my sister alone." I more tell than ask and the kazekage nods and left while Gaara smiled wide and said" ok guess I'll see you tomorrow." And he left too. A/n I'm not going to go into detail on the whole hanging out just make it up your self I'm sure you have a good imagination. Over the course of time the sand siblings and I got really close I fell in love with Gaara and he fell for me. I was now 7 and was called to see the kazekage. When I arrived at his office he was sitting at his desk. " why did you want to see me?" I got you adopted by a man in the leaf village." He said my eyes widened " WHY?!?" I ask he looks at me for a while then answers me "your putting the village in danger you send Gaara's emotions everywhere. So I need you to fake your death then after the funeral I'll send you to your new home in the leaf village. It's what's best for Gaara and the village," He said "I want you to find a way to get him to attack you then we'll tell him you died in the hospital." "Wait what about Kankuro and Temari they'll hate him?" I say worried "they already know of my plans." I look down " are you sure this is what's best?" I asked and he nods " ok fine I'll do it" the time came it was midnight I was in a sand ninja uniform with my face covered I went to where Gaara usually is on a roof I was behind him and I threw some kuni knifes at him. The sand blocks them. Gaara turns and wrapped his sand around me "sand coffin." He said and pain ran threw my body and he drops me on the ground my blood was everywhere. He walks over and takes my mask of his eyes widened when he saw it was my face. "Why? Why did you do it?" He asks me " the kazekage told me to. I was forced I'm sorry." I answered Gaara is now crying this same thing happened with his uncle. I fainted from blood loss. I wake up in the kazekage's office. When he saw I was awake he spoke" it's done the funeral is tomorrow here don't let yourself be seen" he said handing me a cloak. I out it on "what's Lily's excuse for leaving the village." I asked " she got adopted." I nod and leave his office and went home to start packing. When I was done I heard the front door open so I hide it was Kankuro and Temari they walked around " y/n we know your here." Kankuro said and I walk behind him and blow on his ear and he scared. Temari and I burst out laughing when I finally calm down I ask " what's up why are you here?" "We came to say goodbye to you." Temari said and hugs me when we part I hug Kankuro. "I'm going to miss you guys." I admit with a sad smile " we'll miss you too y/n." They say in unison then a ninja knocked on the window I open it and he speaks" Lord kazekage would like to speak with you." He said and disappeared. I turn to Kankuro and Temari "I guess I have to go bye guys." I grabbed my stuff and left when I arrived at the kazekage's office I knocked he he said for me to come in open the door "you wanted me?" He looks up from his work."Yes I wanted to tell you more talking to Kankuro and Temari in the future and don't talk to Gaara either if you do I'll have you killed. That's all."he said the last part with a smile then went back to work.
~time skip~
I just left my funeral and am now heading to the village gates with my stuff. When I made it to the gates I was greeted by a leaf ninja with white hair." Hey you must be y/n I'm Jiraiya your new dad." He said I nod and he sweat dropped " ok then Lily is already at the village so why don't we get going so you aren't separated for too long." He said I just nod and start walking out of the gates. On the way to the village Jiraiya made several attempts to get me to talk but all of them were a fail when we made it to the leaf village he took me to the Hokage's office and knocked on the door " come in" he said "dad" opened the door and we walked in "oh Jiraiya your back so I guess this is y/n it's nice to meet you." He smiles at me " it's not worth it she won't talk to anyone." Jiraiya said I sigh " oh is that so interesting hmmm I have an idea how would you like to be a ninja?" He asks a ninja? That would be interesting I nod my head "I have a little experience." I say and Jiraiya fell back surprised that I actually talk "ok then how about we test your skills?" I nod and he called a ninja to his side "can you get Kakashi for me?" He asked "yes sir" the ninja said and disappeared when he came back he had another ninja with him. I really don't feel like doing this I'm way too tired from the trip here the Hokage says some words and the next thing I know im in the middle of a training field with the ninja I assume is Kakashi in front of me and Jiraiya and the Hokage on the side line watching "begin" Jiraiya said and I ran at Kakashi jump over him upside down and kiss him on the forehead then landed on my butt sitting crisscross and made a small hand sign. My appearance changed now I have white hair and red eyes
~play song here~
I start singing and I enter his mind there was a house and ge was in inside it I look at him through the window and he was scared I walk in the house and her ran I follow his foot steps and his heavy breathing from running he can't hide from me I smirk as I arrived at a bed room door I walk in and stand in to middle of the room I slowly walk to the bed and look under nothing so I make my way over to the closet and open the door to find a scared Kakashi a lock appeared in my hand and as u said the last sentence in the song I close the door and locked it. When the song was over I open my eyes to see Kakashi close his and fall to the ground not moving. I smirk victory is mine I look at the Hokage and Jiraiya and their jaws dropped. "How did you do that?" Jiraiya asked in amazement " I just locked him in his mind if I really wanted I could have killed him but I was feeling nice today." I replied "how do we get him out?" Asked the Hokage "only I can break the justu." I replied and waved my hand over Kakashi's head and he wakes up " well you are a very powerful ninja but you should be the kids your age so starting tomorrow you will go to the Academy." Said the Hokage.
~ time skip~
I woke up to Jiraiya shaking me violently. I started screaming and he drops me back on the bed "man your hard to wake up." He said I just nod and go into the bathroom to get ready when I was done Jiraiya and I went to the school. When we made it to the academy Jiraiya knocked on one of the many doors. The class falls silent and a voice speaks "Come in." We walk in to see a lot of kids my age and a older looking guy with pineapple hair. He speaks "you must be the new student my name is Iruka nice to meet you." I just nod and Jiraiya spoke up"she doesn't talk to anyone other than the Hokage." I look at the class they looked pretty curious "alright class listen up this is y/n she will be in this class from now on" Iruka said I smile at the kids "dose anyone have any questions for me?" I ask them Iruka and Jiraiya fall back I giggle I saw everyone's hands pop up. "Uh yes you with the blonde hair." I picked "do you have a boyfriend?"she asked "no I'm single." I heard some boys saying yes in the background "um you with the pink hair." I picked anyone girl "do you like anyone in this class?" She asked looking at a raven haired boy "That's a awkward question but I don't really know anyone yet though a few boys are cute I'm not interested in the one your looking at."I answered and I heard a few sighs of relief. I giggle and call the last one "um you the one with the adorable doggie." I said " will you be my girlfriend?" He asked and it made me laugh so hard when I calm down I answered" as much as I think your adorable I don't know anything about you I don't even know your name." I answered "ok that's enough question y/n take a seat next to Hinata. Hinata raise your hand."Iruka and I sat down next to the shy girl.
Ok this chapter is a bit long but I won't be able to update after tomorrow so I'm updating as much as I can to day and tomorrow morning

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