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Yugi's P.O.V.

         I hate the Forest of Memories. I have already had to trek through it, but I guess we had to get through it again to get Triturn. Still, why do we have to. Do I really have to torture myself to get it?

         "Hey, Yugi? I wanted to ask you something," Yami said startling me out of my thoughts. I nodded, and turned to him. He knelt down in the classic proposal position. 

         "Yugi, when I first saw you, I saw the perfection that you have accomplished in your life. I wanted to know you at a more personal level. And when I did, you impressed me so much more. And I found out that you had intellegence, and you were also so strong. There is no flaw in the beauty that is you. You are the other half of me, and I absolutely need you in my life. Yugi Hikari Muto, will you do me the honour of being my husband?" Came Yami's melodic voice. I nodded, startled by Yami's proposal, then I nodded once more.

         "Yes!!!" I said ectsatically, kneeling down and kissing him. I heard the others applaud, and I just grinned. And when we separated, I just absorbed how his beautiful crimson eyes shone in the light. And then the congratulations started.

         Jono was the first one to come up; he had Joey, Seto and Seth come with him. He smiled at me.

         "Good job, shorty. I didn't think you would answer. Didn't think that you had the guts. Good for you," he said, and then broke down into happy tears. I hugged him until he stopped, and then it was Seth's turn. It was like a whole cycle. When one was done, another one would start. Eventually, I went over to Yami, with a horde of cry babies in behind.

         "I got them," Yami said as I approached. I smiled in relief and went back to staring at the woods.

         It's really hard to concentrate when there are celebratory fireworks are going off. Malik smuggled them in. I don't know how he got them in, but he did.

         It's also hard to concentrate on the forest when there are fireworks that are shooting right at you. Malik was shooting them in every direction. He could have set fire to half of the forest. Eventually, I gave up and just put a forcefield so I could save myself, and I went down the hill to camp.


         The next morning, after I had gotten a semi-appropriate amount of sleep, I woke up to see Yami already fixing the campfire. He smiled at me, and I just came and snuggled with him until the rest of the camp woke up.


         Okay. There. Chapter one. Before Christmas. As much as I would like this to be a Christmas present, I entered this before then. So be happy. Vote and comment!!

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