Syrus and his Father

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Yugi's P.O.V.

         Okay. The transmition came out of nowhere. None of the normal 'You have an incoming transmition', none of the vibrations. I didn't even get my ringtone!

         And of course it came in the middle of the night! I was in my pjs! Why the heck would Syrus call me in the middle of the night!?

         "Hey Yug...Did I catch you at a bad time?" He said, his teal hair bouncing a bit as he winced. Seriously, how was he related to Judai?

         "You just called me in the middle of the night. No problems here," I said, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and looking at my watch. "You do realize that it's 3 in the morning?"

         "Yeah, well, in the dragon kingdom it's 7. And who's your friend?" He said, motioning towards Yami. We had been sharing a tent for the longest time. It had become natural.

         "This is my travelling companion and fiancée, Yami Atem Sennen," I said. At Yami's name, Yami woke up. He is always the morning grouch, so I didn't expect a very gracious conversation.

         "Wait. Fiancée?" Syrus asked. He smiled.

         "Nevermind, Syrus. Now, what are you calling about?" I said, and Syrus' face went back to it's original apathetic gaze.

         "I was calling to tell you that I am in prison with the rest of the escort. Apparently, after a transmition from 'you know who', The King locked us up. So, now me, Chazz, the escort, and Mai are all in the dungeon," he said. I looked over his shoulder to see Chazz, who waved at me. I waved back before turning my attention back to Syrus.

         "Thanks. We're coming to get you out. We just need to get the third Alfysterian gem, Triturn. Wait. Was Quaturn in the castle somewhere?" I asked, slipping my hands into my sleeping bag to conserve heat.

         "Yeah. It had replaced his eye. Actually, it was sort of disturbing," Syrus said. Chazz just nodded and went back to playing poker with someone else in their cell. Considering the chances, I was pretty sure it was Mai. And I knew that if he was facing Mai, he would lose.

         "Okay. We'll go over. We just have to get Triturn. It's also somewhere we have to go. So, we'll be there in a bit. Thanks Syrus. Is there anything else?" I said, looking over to Yami, who had put a facemask on and fallen back to sleep.

         "Yeah. Actually, can you tell me about dad?" Syrus said. It was a tradition that every time we communicate, I tell him a Judai story. I sighed.

         "Okay. Have you heard the story: 'Judai feeds 1 000?'" I asked. Syrus frowned and then sat down, beckoning Chazz over to hear the story. Mai nodded and set down the hand, before sneaking a peak at Chazz' cards.

         "Okay. Here's the story. Judai and I were the sargeant and commander of a squad of 1 000 men. Yet we managed to eventually run out of rations. So Judai and I did the logical choice, we gave up our food for the army. And that same night, we qent foraging, long after everyone was asleep, and we found food that would feed us all for a week,"

          "However, we didn'thave enough food the next week. So, once more, we gave up food and went foraging. We got enough food to get us to the battle cite,"

         "And then, Judai did something amazing. He managed to get the whole army of demons to release their darkness and become light again. And with them came a bunch of food, which we didn't run out of for a very long time," I said. Chazz clapped appreciatively. Syrus just sat there, wide-eyed as he took in the story. I smiled, and then sais ny goodbyes. I ended the call and fell back asleep.


         When I woke up, Yami was already out around the campfire. It was about ten in the morning. Yami had most likely had his coffee, and therefore was agreeable once more.

         "Hey Yugi!" He called. I came over and sat there, blurry eyed.

         "Hi Yami," I said.

         "Who were those people from yesterday?" He asked. I sighed.

         "They're Judai's kids. Chazz the older one, who went into the army, raced through the ranks, and became a castle guard when he refused the ranks. Nice kid though. And then there's Syrus. The younger one, who is a scribe at the palace. I send him only as my most trusted scribe. Plus he is the fastest writer in my palace," I said.

         "But you know them personally. And Mai was there too," he said. I nodded, and smiled. It was a sad smile.

         "On the day Judai died, I took it personally. So I went over to their house to break the news. I gave Syrus that bright amethyst amulet with the opal on it. And I promised them any job they wanted as a career. This was after I had revealed myself. Chazz became so devastated he rarely talks, and Syrus, well Syrus is coping," I said. Yami looked so sad. I hugged him.

         "It's alright. Plus, have you noticed how much Judai looks like Jaden?" Yami said. I looked away, and knew my theory was right.

         "We need to call Syrus. Now!" I said. Yami nodded and swiped the air in front of him. It pulled up his contact screen. He added Syrus in there and called him.

         When we finally got Syrus on the line, he seemed to be bored. Chazz was once more behind him, this time with Mai in the shot too.

         "Syrus, you were reading that book about Nekos before we left. Did you read something about Nekos and returned spirits?" I asked, urgent.  Syrus sat up and wracked his brain. Finally, nodded. 

         "Some Nekos as cats that have been possessed by a spirit with unfinished buisness. They were originally cats, but if nearby after a death, then they become a Neko. They only talk ancient angelic, though. Why?" Syrus asked. I looked into his eyes and slowly sighed.

         "Your father might be here on this earth still," I said.


         Heh. I am the best, aren't I. Also, this is totally plot development. So, can't wait for Bane of a Hero. (That's the title for the new book). Also, expect some filler and plot chapters when we have the rest of the group. We may answer some of your questions next chapter.

         But anyway, you guys obviously love this book if you've stuck with us this long. So thanks. I love writing these. It's fun! Vote and Comment!

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