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Bakura's P.O.V.

         Sometimes in your life, you depend on a group of four year old angels. And then there are times when you go insane and base your chances of finishing on a group of four four year old angels. Okay. There's no backing down now. Let's watch this.

         Yuya, Yuto, Yugo, and Yuri sat on one side of the road, while Rebecca sat on the other. Both sides had their swords drawn.

         And then Ryou's signal sounded, and the children stood up calmly, and walked to the center of the road. Rebecca, however, charged, and swords glinting, prepared for the first strike. However, Yuya expected it, and jumping forward with lightning speed, protected the original target, Yugo.

         Yugo jumped over the clashing swords, and aimed for a heqd strike. However, Rebecca intersepted the blow, and then when back to her skermish with Yuya.

         Yuya fell back, and at once, they all went to different sides. Yuya stood in front, Yuto and Yugo at the sides, and Yuri in the back. And they charged in unison.

         Rebecca tried to fend them off, but Yuri got a stroke in, wounding Rebecca's back. She arced in pain and rage, and turned around, but that left Yuya in her weakspot. So he hit it, and she turned once more, only to find they had rotated, and now Yuya and Yuri were on the sides.

         After two more strokes to her back, she relented. Yuya smiled.

         "Good girl. Now, will ya let us pass?" Yuya said. Rebecca nodded and turned around so her back was towards us. Emblazoned on her back was two letters, in bold capitals. YU. Yugo smiled.

         "Yes. Go ahead, worthy travellers," she said, dropping the fake accent. The Yu brothers dropped the accent too.

         "Thank you Rebecca. You were a worthy opponent. We have't dueled in a while," Yuri said, holding his hand out. Rebecca shook it.

         "Hopefully I see you again," she said, and left into the forest. And we left, so we could continue.


         Thanks for making it this far. I hope you've enjoyed the book up until now. With the fact that it's on time, I have the feeling something will go bad. So, hopefully nothing happens, but it probably will. In the meantime, I hope you liked this story so far, and stay enjoying it. This is Jay Muto, signing off. Vote and comment! Bai!

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