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Ryou's P.O.V

         When we finally called rest, the whole group was exhausted. Since there were only a few more days until the day of the rendevous, I had to go farther during the day, having lunch while we walked, and even jogging. I might've been pushing a bit, but the others dealt with it. Sorta.

         Tomorrow, you're walking beside me. At the front. I won't carry you! I thought over to Bakura. He just went over and curled up in my lap. I heard Malik take another picture.

         "This is going in the quest photo album!" Malik said, getting out a big purple book with rod. The Millenial rod. He drew out two more books, all purple, and each had a Millenium Item on it.

         "The first has the Puzzle, the second has the Ring, and this has the Rod. Next we'll put the Key, Scales, Eye, and Necklace on the next four books," Marik was explaining. We nodded along.

         "We have all the shipping pictures!" Malik said. Bakura tilted his head confused. Malik looked left and right before continuing. "Like you and Bakura, who is also, Tryastos!"

         "But back to the shipping part: what is this 'shipping' you're talking about? And who do you 'ship'?" I asked, puzzled. Marik laughed before replying.

         "Shipping is a term used to describe stories that take previously created characters and put them as a pair. It usually refers to romantic relationships, but it can refer platonic ones as well. (Just think of "shipping" as short for "relationSHIP".)" Marik said. Malik nodded.

         "As for who we ship, that's easy. There's:
Tendershipping (you and Kura), Puzzleshipping (Yugi and Yami), Puppyshipping (Seto/Seth and Joey/Jounouchi),
Bronzeshipping (me and Marik),
Ardentshipping (Tristan and Serenity),
Twinshipping (Jay and Alia)," Malik continued. I pointed at the scrapbook.

         "Can we look?" I asked. Malik nodded, and pushed the first book over to us.

         The first picture was a picture of all their ships standing in the front door of Yami's house. I had a wave of nostalgia as I realized it was only a couple months ago. I felt like a couple of years!

         I flipped the page to see a big puzzleshipping picture. Yugi lay on the couch, bloody and Yami held Yugi's hand. Yami looked so sad, heartbroken. It was cute, and I could see why Malik and Marik shipped them. It was adorable.

         As we flipped through the scrapbook, we saw adorable pictures, of all of the couples. I think I felt happiness spark in Bakura's heart as he saw the pictures. He had lowered his guard for one second, and we saw the side of Bakura that I loved. The emotional, adorable side.

         We read all three scrapbooks, and I felt Bakura smile whenever he saw the cute ships. And then the pages went from a bright blue to a deep, night blue. And we saw a montage of sad Yami and helpless Yugi pictures. I felt Bakura's smile drop a bit, and suddenly, he felt sad. I turned to comfort him to see tears in those chocolate brown eyes. I forgot he was a cat, and pulled him into my lap. However he didn't fight it.

         He just sobbed into my chest, changing back into a human and repeating something under his breath repeatedly. Malik smiled and took a picture, but I was too caught up to notice. I was busy comforting Bakura.
         Please don't leave me!!! Bakura cried into my mind. I nodded, and rubbed his back.

         I won't Kura. I promise you that I would never leave you. If I die, you'll come and rescue me! I said, now sobbing internally (and externally) too. Marik smiled and took the picture this time. When we calmed down, Bakura walked into the wood and came back as Tryastos.

         "Welp, this has been fun, but I think it's time to go. Come on Marik!" Malik said. And so they got up to leave. And when we were ready, I got changed into my pjs. I got ready for bed, slipped into my sleeping bag, and Bakura lay down on my chest, curled up. And I drifted off with Bakura sleeping happily on my chest.


         You thought that I was going to update with a Yugi and Yami chapter! Hah! I almost always alternate, and how was I going to think up 2 chapters of Tendershipping? If you hadn't noticed already, these chapters take longer because I don't have any idea what to write. So there!

         But enough of that. I am sorry hst I am punishing Yugi a lot. It just fits with the story. Plus, Yugi gets to be a brave, fearless warrior. It's sorta like a greek tragedy. But I digress. Thanks for reading this update. Bye bye! Have a good day!


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