Memory 2: After a While, you lose patience

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(Okay. I don't want you to play this song until there is another one of these messages saying you can. So don't)

Yugi's P.O.V.

Walking to the next clearing was very boring. In fact, to summarize, it sucked. Yami and I stayed in silence, because he was being a baby about me not explaining what had happened with Ishizu.

We didn't even hold hands. It sucked. So he sulked. And it was boring.

When we entered the clearing, the clearing was covered in snow. It was not fun to trudge through that either.

"Here we are. Get it over with," Yami said, indifferent. I hated it when he had that voice.

"Fine," I said, and stepped into the clearing.

Normal P.O.V

Yugi and Heba sat on two cots as Ryou bustled around the pair. Heba winced whenever slight pressure was used to heal his ripped up wings. Yugi's arm was in a cast. Yugi shivered

"I hate them. Why did Rafael and Alistair have to team up? And why, why, why, did Ushio start targeting us too?" He complained, rubbing his broken arm unconciously.

"A: because we beat Valon.
And B: because Ushio is a jerk," Heba said, and looked at Yugi with a straight face. However, there was devious light in his eyes. "However, I wonder if there is a way to get them back. Something so they'll fight each other instead of us," Heba said, and a smirk grew on Yugi's face.

"We wouldn't want that, would we?" Yugi said, sarcasticly. He grinned deviously.

"What if we set up a bunch of holo-projectors in the area. And the best fighter between would stand in said projection. We then challenge them each individually to a duel in said warehouse, and fight them under the prerense we are Rafael, Alistair and Ushio," Heba said. Yugi's amethyst eyes glinted with excitement. Then his face fell.

"My arm's broken. That means we'll have to wait for it to heal naturally," Yugi said, creatfallen. Heba smiled good-naturedly.

"We'll prepare in the six months of recuperating that you need. Then you can defeat them," Heba said. Yugi smiled genuinely. And boyishly.

Okay. In the meantime, installing in the night, and training in he day. Since you don't have any major injuries, can you get the image and voice for the holo-projectors?" Yugi asked, almost like he was telling Heba what to shop for.

"Sure. In the meantime, are you ready?" Heba said. Yugi nodded. And they exited the room.

(Okay. Now it's mantage time. Because Yugi's memories are like that. The forest reserves the right to edit. Oh, and you might have to repeat the song a few times. Sorry for any inconvenience I've caused.)

Yugi stood in front of a punching bag. And in a split second, he was right by said punching bag.

The punching bag turned into a blond man, with very vicious sideburns. He was very muscular, and he stood a head taller than Yugi. But Yugi smiled.

"Too easy," he whispered to himself, and got into position. The hologram did the same. And in a second, Yugi was there and throwing the first punch. The man swiftly dodged and swung at Yugi, but he expected it. Yugi deftly doged backwards and kicked the man with a swift kick into the chest.

The man staggered at the impact, and fell onto his knees. Then, after he recovered, he backflipped before Yugi could deliver his next attack, which had been coming for the muscular blond, and then went back into position. So did Yugi. And then Yugi unleashed a fury of fast punches and kicks, and when it was all over, his opppent was lying face first after a particularily ferocious kick that had spun like a tornado and had jarred the man's face back.

Yugi got off the hologram and dusted his hands off.

"I think we're ready, Heba," Yugi said as the man in questionwalked through the door. Heba smiled.

"I was thinking the same thing," Heba said.


And we are going to end it in the middle of the flashback, so the next update will be the rest of the flashback. Vote and comment!

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