Magic Powers and How (NOT) to use them

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Joey* and Seto's P.O.V.

         Jounouchi set up the training grounds the next day. He can be a bit of a slave driver, ya know. So when we had any free time, Jounouchi always had us out in his clearing (nature Hikari, apparently) trying to find our powers.

         So far, my power seemed to be limited to making tornadoes. As a wind Hikari, it came naturally.

         Seto had way more problems. He was fire, and let's just say that the clearing got ten times bigger because of a few wild fires that randomly sparked out of nowhere.

         Not funny, Mutt!

         Au contraire, my dear friend. I believe it was hilarious, and so do Jounouchi and Seth.

         But as I was saying, we took a while to learn. Eventually, I could use miniature tornadoes to pickup stuff and deposit it wherever. Also, Seto learned how to light a fire from nothing. It helped on those rainy days, where a self-sustaining fire was helpful.

         So you admit my power is useful?

         I never said it wasn't.

         Oh, then it was Jay who said that my power was useless.

         Probably. And why would she say that?

         Nevermind. Continue the story.


         We eventually decided that we could trick someone with our unique skill set.

         For example, if someone (not naming names) were to levitate something (maybe fire) so it seems like a poltergiest is there, they could fake a ghost.

         Jounouchi and Seth, after hearing the idea, were great at helping us set it up. They even had the best targets in mind: Marik and Malik.

         So we practiced summoning different coloured fire (lot of fun that was) and learning how to levitate said fire. (A few trees died in the making of this prank). And after a day, we were able to get everything ready.

         Malik and Marik came back to their tent that night to see a strange figure, shrouded by mist (curtesy of Seth) in their tent. It had an Anubis mask on (Seth had an antique mask in his bag!). It was wearing Egyptian robes (okay, it was Jounouchi. But only because Seth wouldn't let me wear the mask).

         "W-Who are y-you?" Malik asked, ducking behind Marik. Jounouchi spoke, and I altered the air so his voice sounded different. 

         "I am the ghost of Anubis. You have angered me, angels, and now you will die!" Okay. Not the best script work ever, but we tried.

         "What did we do?" Marik asked, inquisitively. This wasn't scripted, so Jounouchi did suprisingly well, considering.

         "You desecrated my halls on the way back from Gatelderia, child. You passed through them, and peat without the priper offerings. Now you will pay!" Jounouchi said, and Seto summoned fire. I levitated it with ease. Now came the hard part. Shooting it at people. 

         "Run!" Malik said, hauling on Marik's tee-shirt and dragging him from the room.

         "Come back, children!" Jounouchi said, we shot fire in front of them, and eventually they were stuck in a circle of colourful fire.

         "Now. Tell me before you die, did you steal anything from the tents of the others?" Jounouchi said. Malik nodded and nodded to Marik, who brought out a bag full of random stuff he had stolen over the trip.

         "Y-yeah," Malik said, shamefaced. Then he looked up, and idea forming.

         "What if we gave you all the stuff we stole as an offering, and you let us go!" Malik said. Jounouchi seemed to consider it before nodding.

         "Okay. I will take your stolen goods. But next time, I won't be so merciful," Jounouchi said, and turned away. We dissappated the flames, and Jounouchi left them.

         For the record, our performance was really well done. We managed to trick the two biggest pranksters in the group, and get them to return the stuff we had lost. He stole my Blue-Eyes White Dragon!

         Yeah! And we couldn't have done it without Jounouchi and Seth.

*translated from Brooklyn

         Haha! Yes! Pranking Pranksters. And for the record, I never told Seto that his powers were useless! It was Alia. So there! And also, this update was written in an hour, and it is 700 words!

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