Memory 6: The Battle of Mortality

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Yugi's P.O.V.

         I entered the clearing, expecting the worst. I knew which memory awaited me. And I couldn't back out. Thoughts rushed to my head. But the main thought was one of small happiness. This was the last memory before our adventure was over. But then that thought brought a sad, reminisant feeling.

         Yami stood behind me, and I was prepared to shield him from whatever.

         And when the fog rolled in, a black instead of the wary grey.

Normal P.O.V.

         It was a bright day. Even though the armour was waterproof, it wouldn't have been fun to fight in the rain. So overall, a good day. But the battle that day was not going to be as bright and joyfilled. It was going to be remembered as 'the Battle of Mortality'. And there would be no winners. Only a severe amount of casualties. 

         Yugi's army came on the battlefield first, armour shining. They were all outfitted beautifully, yet no one stood at Yugi's side. Judai had been conquested in an earlier battle.

         Then Heba and Atem soared onto the scene. Heba was the general, and Atem was second in command. And he would complain forevermore about said fact.

         The demons rode in from the right. A new thing that the demons found out was that they could harness shadows to become horses and ride them into battle.

         Today, both armies seemed serious. There was no jeering from the two armies. None of the usual banter in between Heba and Atem. There was a unusual deadly seriousness between the two sides, as if they sensed that the battle would be devastating.

         And then, Yugi gave the order to charge. Heba and Atem relayed the message, and the armies clashed with an angry bang. Metal against metal became the constant sound effect that overlayed the natural sounds of the marble arena.

         For you see, they were not battling on any field, they were battling on the natural marble arena, which had been formed with the world, and weathered into the perfect stadium layout. It was a beautiful place, and it was also how the perfect, white, natural marble was stained a bright red forever.

         Atem and Heba stood back to back in the middle of the battlefield. Swords drawn and flashing, they defended themselves. Demon after demon were dispatched with ease.

         Yugi, however, was fighting against the hordes of demons which blacked out the sun. Hordes upon masses streaked the sky black. And Yugi dispatched demon after demon, and soon the demon casulties were growing. Q

         Yet the angels seemed to be suffering the same fate from a troublesome enemy they had faced many times on the battlfield, and one who's tactical strategies had bewildered them for months on end. Yugi and Heba had gotten word of the strategies from their devious mole.

         Rafael had been the mole for a while, before he had been discovered and captured. He had managed to escape, but had lost his right wing in the process. He no longer flew, but his ferocity had doubled, and he always took a great deal of demons down in combat.

         This time, it seemed that their opponent had simply decided to attack with a frontal assault. Demons flooded the battlefield, and fell at the tons. Yet angel after angel died protecting a cause they had believed in for so long. They died for their country, and live on because of their sacrifice.

         Yugi's battles became against suprisingly increasing numbers. He wasn't battling one, he was battling five or six. And yet, he bested them all, swords flashing as he fought desperately for his life.

         And then there was a cry from below, and Yugi saw that Heba and Atem had both engaged with thw troublesome enemy. Swords flashing, they set him of balance, but he easily regained it and slashed back.

         And then Yugi turned his attention back to his own battles, not realizing that it would be one of his last glances at his brothers.

         Yugi didn't turn around again until a small gasp sounded from below, and a sudden silence erupted across the field. And Yugi turned around to see a sight that would haunt him for centuries after.

         Heba and Atem, lying dead on the ground, wounds piercing their chests, blood soaking through thwir armour. They had grasped each others hands tightly as they had fallen, each determined to comfort their match. And Yugi couldn't control himself.

         He flew down to his brothers, Alfysteria back in its bow form. He landed by his brothers, who had been abandoned by their conquerer who had gone to do more damage. But at the moment, Yugi needed to hear his brothers' voices, telling him they were okay.

         "Heba! Atemu!" Yugi cried into their chests. Heba moved his right arm painfully upwards, so it landed in the middle of Yugi's back. Yugi looked into the pain-haunted Amethyst eyes that shone with pain and worry.

         "Yugi. You must carry on the battle for us. You must carry the torch. You are now King. Order your subjects!" Heba said. Yugi nodded. Heba smiled. "And bro, take care of yourself. We don't want you joining us before your time."

         Yugi nodded, unable to speak. He looked over at Atem, and Atem decided to give his dying message some thought.

         "Hey, Yug'. Don't let us get you down. You have to be the strong, powerful child that you are. For us. Remember, you have Ryou, Malik, Bakura, Marik, Mahad. Now. Be strong," Atem said. Yugi nodded.

         Yugi watched his brothers die. And then, he became angry at all demons.

         He started attacking and killing demon after demon. He flooded the arena with bright red blood, and when he had killed all of them that he could, he wept. He had returned to the spot with Heba and Atem. And he wept. He cried, refusing healing, just asking for his brothers lives back. But he never got his bright wish. So he became somber. And then he left the battlefield, and wept again.


         2nd last Yugi chapter. And...well...Yugi did NOT like recording this. He cried for the first seven attempts, and it took 43 more to get Yugi to not react whenever we started. All in all, it took 50 and a half attempts. That's why we never bring this up.

         But enough of that. Hopefully you guys like this chapter, it's the third last one. Two more chapters. Maybe three. Not sure yet. I'm just going with it. But anyway, you guys are a great audience. So I give you many thanks. You guys are the best. Vote and Comment!

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