Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Man, this is weird. What sorta grease writes in a diary? I dunno why I ain't telling Pony about this, but what was I gonna say to my own kid brother when all I wanted to talk about was my kid brother? I ain't gonna tell the rest of the gang, either. I couldn't. It's too strange, and makes me look less tuff. And who am I if I ain't tuff? But anyway, here's what happened: Ponyboy got jumped by a ton of Socs today, and they said they were gonna give him a haircut. Pony said they didn't do nothing, but he had a big cut on his neck, and it was still bleeding, too. I wish he'd stop lying to us and let us help him. He barely even let Darry touch him, even though all he wanted to do was help Pony. They fight too much, and the both of them expect me to pick a side. But I couldn't, no, I can't. I see both of their perspectives, and they're both wrong. But they're both also right, too. On another note, Sandy, Evie, Steve, and I went to go watch the football game, and I know Pony, Johnny, and Dallas all went to the movies. I hope they got back alright. But the football game was pretty fun, even though they lost. Sandy was acting a little odd though, like she was trying to tell my something. I wonder what it was? She and I didn't really watch the game much, though, we just went under the bleachers, and.. Yeah. Y'know, diary, I think I'm gonna marry that woman. That's pretty much it, but Pony and I also had this big talk just now about whether Darrel likes Ponyboy or not. He said he didn't, but I kept trying to tell him that Darry just wanted him to be safe. I wish he'd listen for once. I should probably head off to bed, before Ponyboy steals all the blankets. (He already did, like always. I actually woke up on the floor, once, but I don't know why.) Thanks for listening, or letting me write in you, or whatever. See you tomorrow, maybe.

                                -Sodapop Patrick Curtis

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