Chapter 16

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Dear Diary,

We're doing okay, now, I think. Funny how I'm going to start this by telling you all the bad parts of my day first. But without the bad, where is the good? Isn't there good in bad, and bad in good? But yeah, Pony's grades have been dropping lately, and tonight at supper, Darry and him got into a huge fight about it, with me right in the middle. Yeah, Ponyboy shouldn't have let his grades drop, but Darry shouldn't have been yelling at him like that, especially not after two of his friends died, and especially after what happened the last time those two fought. Then, Ponyboy brought me into the argument, trying to get me to choose sides. I couldn't do it, so I ran off. Those two caught up to me pretty quick. We talked, out there in the park, where so much had already happened, and Darry and Ponyboy agreed not to fight anymore.

I think I'm going to end this diary. I don't need it anymore. I only really started it because I felt like I couldn't talk about my problems to my brothers, and now, I feel like I can. I feel like we have to, after what's happened to all of us. Johnny was the one who held us all together, and now he's gone, we have to learn to trust each other more. Maybe it'd be easier to just leave, for us all to stop being friends, but that would never work, either. Darry said that you just don't stop living because you lose somebody, and that's true. You don't get to just stay in your room for the rest of your life, you don't get to stop facing the world and its problems because yours are too much to handle. The thing is, I don't really know how to keep living yet. But I have an idea of how to start. You see, no matter what, we'll never feel ready to do something, we'll never feel ready to face certain situations. But we have to. We have no choice, really. So, we just do it. Not because we want to, but because we have to. It's been fun, diary. Well, not really. But you get me, right? I don't really know how to end this, so.. thanks, I guess. Bye, diary.


A/N: This story just hit 1k!! wow!! however, i'm sad to say that this story is over, at least right now. as i said before, this diary was a school project, and i've published every part of it. at the moment i feel like the story is complete, but there may be a time in the future where i'll add on. we'll see. thanks for being awesome readers!

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