Chapter 8

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Dear Diary,

Hey, guess what? Dallas told us. Well, he kind of did. He said he was going to go get Pony and Johnny today, and bring them back. Darry seemed to perk up right away, and man, I should have been paying more attention to Darry, because he looks a mess. He's still wearing the same clothes from when Ponyboy ran away, and I don't think he's moved from his chair. I'm pretty sure he's been missing work, too, but I don't blame him. I've been doing the same. Anyway, I told Dally to give Pony my letter, the one I think I told you about. Did I tell you about it? I dunno. I wrote Pone a letter after I had written Sandy's, in case someone else saw the kid before I did. Shoot, I gotta get better at this diary stuff, I keep talking about other stuff when I'm supposed to talk about just one thing. Oh well, it ain't like this diary's getting printed off for the world to read. But yeah, Dallas is heading up soon. I can hardly wait to see the boys, and- I gotta go again. Steve's here, and he's gonna steal all the chocolate cake unless I get there first.


A/N: happy crimbo and f*** you 2016 :)

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