Chapter 7

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Dear Diary,

    Everything hurts, but it's only the morning. Why is the sky so bright all the time? Can't it just go away for a little bit? Also, I just read my boozed up writing from yesterday and I was laughing really hard, and then I stopped because it hurt too much. Some Soc probably bruised my ribs last night. Wow, I'm reading it again. I haven't called Pony Ponebone in a long time, not since before the car accident that killed our parents and ruined everything stuff happened. I wish the kid would come home, if only to make me feel less lonely make chocolate cake. Maybe I should go see Sandy, she'll know what to- hold on. I can't, because she's gone. Why did she have to go too? Alright, Darry's calling me, I had better go and pretend I'm not till a little boozy. See ya later.


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