Chapter 4

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Dear Diary,

Could things get more bad than this? I don't think so. Sandy came and saw me today, to apologize. I thought she was just saying sorry for Ponyboy being gone, but she didn't even mention him. Turns out, the baby isn't even mine. I mean, that sucks, but I'd still raise it as my own kid. I told her that it was okay, but she didn't seem to be listening. She told me that she was moving in with her grandparents in Florida, because her parents didn't approve of her marrying me, and because of the baby. Do you know what she did next? She turned around, and she left, just like that. She seemed sad, though, so maybe she wanted to see. I'll write Sandy a letter and send it to her in Florida. I'll do that now, actually. Talk to you later.


A/N: is this really bad writing or is it just me

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