Chapter 2

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Dear Diary,

Today, well. Today was nice. The day started out okay, with some chocolate cake and a glass of chocolate milk to go along with it. Steve and Two-Bit were over, so we watched some Mickey Mouse cartoons before Steve and I headed off for work at the DX, leaving Two-Bit alone in the Curtis house. Thank whoever, it was still standing when we got back. While I was at work, I was thinking about Sandy again, and how we met. I had seen her at the park, and sat next to her. She was drawing the scene in front of us, and it was beautiful, like her. I kept looking at her, and kept getting closer, too, but she always seemed to see me. Eventually, I was close enough to just lean over and compliment the drawing. She had drawn me in, too. We started talking, and I ended up with her number. We've been together ever since. I saw her that day too, and I told her I wanted to marry her, and she told me she'd have an answer tomorrow. I hope she says yes, especially since she's pregnant. Yeah, my Sandy is pregnant. It was a pretty good day for me, and for Steve, even though there weren't many customers. He and I spent almost the whole day doing flips and tricks off of the old cars we had around. Darry had spent a summer teaching the whole gang acrobatics, so that we'd be able to use them in a fight. Yeah, they came in handy, but it was also a surefire way to stop boredom on a hot day. Anyway, now Darry and I are waiting for Ponyboy to come home, and Darrel's near ready to call the fuzz. Wait, hold on a second. Someone's at the door.

Oh, no. Pony's gone. Ponyboy is gone, he just ran off. He was the one who got in the door, and Darry got mad at him for coming in so late. Pony said he just fell asleep in the lot, but Darry wouldn't give him a break. I tried to calm Darry down, but he just turned and yelled at me, and I was sure scared. He ain't never yelled at me, not like that. Ponyboy knew it too, because he starting yelling at Darry for yelling at me. You know what Darrel did? He went and he hit Pony. He hit him, and he fell. That's when Ponyboy ran off, and we don't know where he went. I hope he's safe with someone. Darry's crying now, he sure feels bad. I think I gotta go. Hopefully things are better tomorrow.

-Sodapop Curtis

A/N: I'm so sorry for not writing tmlotg lately, but I haven't been as inspired recently, so I focused my attention elsewhere. sorry.

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