Chapter 9

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Dear Diary,

    I think things are finally getting better. All the gang and I went to go meet Cherry in the park. Two-Bit said that she wanted to talk to all of us, and we all decided that it couldn't hurt too bad. We all brought our weapons, though, in case she brought some buddies. Shoot, I'm doing it again. Anyway, Cherry's a spy for us now. She's gonna make sure the Socs play fair for the rumble- oh yeah, I haven't told you about the rumble, either. It's gonna be a skin fight, no weapons, nothing. If us greasers win, the Socs have to stay off our turf and leave us alone. If the Social scumbags win, things stay the way they are. I hope we win, so that they finally get it through their skulls that a greaser is someone you shouldn't mess with. Talk more later.

                        -Sodapop Curtis

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