Chapter 14

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Dear Diary,

    I don't get it. I don't understand any of it. They're both dead. Johnny, and now Dally. Yeah, diary, he's dead too, now. He blew up, after Johnny. He ran off, pointed a gun at someone, got the police after him. We met up at the park, but we were only in time to see him point his gun at the fuzz, and see them shoot Dallas Winston down. The gun was a bluff, too. Hell, the damn thing wasn't even loaded. Dally knew they wouldn't know that, though, he'd never be so stupid to do something like that unless he wanted to. As we stood over Dallas, I looked over at Ponyboy, and I knew he was thinking the same thing. Dallas Tucker Winston had wanted to die. And he always got what he wanted. After that, Ponyboy just collapsed, and went out cold. We've got him in bed now, and he sure looks an awful sight. I don't think I'll update for a few days, maybe after the court hearing we've got, to prove Pony is innocent. Seeya then.

Cigarettes: A pack and a half -Soda

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