Thirteen: Lindy Hop...Again

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[Not Edited]

there's this dance on friday.

yup- it's a lindy hop evening, in our school.

and i keep on thinking, if i want to go or not. and it's not just because i'm a libra.

as i mentioned- james dances lindy hop.

but i overheard someone talking about how he won't be attending.

and that's kinda a plus for me- since i'm so akward at couple dances and he wouldn't have to see that.

but a small part of me wants him to go, and dance withe me so we could talk more.

no matter how i think about it- the situation ends up being akward though.

the whole week i felt anxious and went back and forth between my decisions.

i ended up not going because i was too tired and sleep deprived after the school week to dance.

monday came and it turns out - he showed up and danced with a lot of girls. the classmates talked about him dancing with this one small girl in our class.

and as suicidal as it sounds, i decided to check the pictures from the event and there was one of him and her.

it made me want to throw up, i still get the shivers thinking about it now.

the feeling is caused by something other than jealousy, i'm sure. but i have no idea why i have that disgust.

also, i have no idea whether i should hate him or apreachiate him more for causing me to experience these new type of feelings.


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