Twenty: You Can't Sit With Me

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[Not Edited]

turns out the teacher is really something esle.

the class started and we all were peacefully doing the tasks when she stood up and told to all of us to take our stuff and stand at the end of the class.

we complied, already knowing what was waitinh for us.

i was one of the last people to get announced who i'll be sitting with.

me, a few other girls and augustus were left.

suddenly, someone barged into the class, late.

it was james and the teached just simply shrugged at him, told him to sit at the front and kept announcing the seats.

i was left last and that meant- i have to sit with him.


no no no no no.

"hello, noah."

"hi, james."

i tried so hard not to panic and to ignore that anxious feeling of the need to run out of the class.

all of it came back.

the feelings, the fear, the happiness and chaos.

it all floded out of the small crack in the burried gem box when james started digging.

"are you nervous about the english speech we'll have to say today, again? don't be, as i said last time- the teacher will be the only one listening, everyone else will be too busy with their own speeches to criticise you."

agh, here he goes again, with that joking but yet caring side.

i've already decided- i want to let go of you, but why must you make it so hard.

the girl- even if the rumor isn't true, was the breaking point for me, a sign i've been waiting for so, why...

why are you making my numb heart ache again. why are you making me long for it.

please- stop.


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