Sixteen: Food Brings People Together

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[Not Edited]

my friends have this thursday ritual thing- going to a coffe shop and trying the special of the week.

one day, both of them had to leave earlier but i stayed to wait for my bus since it was really cold outside and i had more than a half an our until the bus.

so here i am, sitting peacefully, sipping my coffee and browsing without a care in the world... i hear the small bell of the door to the cafe ring.

out of habit i raise my eyes a bit, not changing my position to not come off as a creep and not risk meeting the newcomers eyes.

and see james.

well, fudge.

out of all the possible things it just had to be him.

quickly, i tried to come up with something, my brain running wild like my life depended on it.

there was no way for me to make myself not seen without having him notice me since i was sitting close to the door, there were no shelfs or other tables with people i could blend in with.

all what was left for me was to pray.

and pretend to be busy while searching for something 'important' in my backlack, hoping he won't see my face and recognise me.

"hey, noah."

seems like my prayers weren't strong enough.

"hi, james."

he smiled and sat in front of me, taking his hat off that was covering his beautiful hair...eghem.

"so, what are you doing here alone?" he asked and i silently thanked him for always knowing how to start a conversation.

"oh, i went here with my friends but they had to leave so i'm just waiting for my bus." i rambled, trying not to say something stupid that i'll regret later.

it felt like i was walking on ice and on air at the same time.

i finally got my get-to-know-him time, even if our conversation wasn't really serious, i got to talk to him without my strongly opinionated friend being here and i savoured every little thing i noticed.

while we talked, the 'my suspected to be' happy feeling came back. i was stuck in a peaceful moment again and after a stressful week in school- i couldn't have been happier to have that peace.

the small things i treassured turned into bigger mokents and i finally got a chance to use that special, bigger box that had been laying empty in the depths of my heart for a long while now.


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