Kiddnapped Pt2

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   Jacob got ready and I went to Starbucks. I just got normal coffee and saw Jacob walking over to me. We walked to vidcon. We saw that girl that Jacob and Mark talked to before there show.

   She seemed really happy to see Jacob and gave him a hug. She smiled and said hi to me. She asked if she took "steal" him from me for a couple minutes.

    Weird the way she said that was like she thought we were dating or something.

      I shook it off and went to find Mark. I couldn't find him anywhere. "Oh my gosh I'm so stupid" I thought to myself. I can just text him. I felt so stupid after this

    I texted Mark and then walked around vidcon and meet some girls. I also meet fans of Mark and Jacob's. They were really sweet but their questions were getting annoying.

    "So like are you and Mark a thing or is it you and Jacob?" "I saw Jacob post a photo with you, are you dating?" "Mark tweeted you guys had fun Saturday, what did he mean by that?"

     All there questions were about if I was dating one of them. I kindly answered "No we are all just friends." They didn't believe me though and marched off.

     I checked my phone and still no text from Mark but it said he read it. Is Mark trying to ignore me or something?

    I texted him again asking why he didn't meet up with me. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked to find Zach, Weston, and Mario.

    I finally found them and asked if they have seen Mark. They told me he went off with some girl and just thought he went back to the hotel.

    Great I thought. I pulled my phone back out and still no text. He still read it though. I decided to text Jacob considering he would still be with at girl.

     I texted him asking if he would want to meet up. I also texted my friend Kay. We met up and had some fun. I kept checking and texting on my phone.

    I wasn't getting any text back. I told Kay about what was happening and she told me it was weird.

    She knew Jacob and Mark didn't act that way. I asked her if she'd seen them all day, but she said she didn't.

    We walked around vidcon a little bit longer before I started getting scared. Mark and Jacob have been reading all my text and not responding.

    I didn't know if this was a prank or not. I saw the girl Jacob went off with and decided to talk to her.

    As I walked up to her I got a weird feeling. Kay was still with me so it eased my nerves a little. "Hey" I said trying to hide my nerves. "Hi" she said back turning around to face me.

    "Oh your that girl that's always hanging out with Jacob and Mark right?" She said smiling. "Yeah" I said.

    "Those boys are so sweet" she said. "Yep they are nice." "Do you know where they may have gone, I haven't seen them all day and they won't answer my text." I told her.

    "No sorry I have no clue." She still had the biggest smile ever on her face. I told thank you for her time and left her alone. I never took my eyes off her though.

  I saw her take a phone out of her back pocket and type something. My phone then rang and I looked at it.

   It was text from Mark. I looked back at her and she took a phone out of the pocket from her hoodie. I then got another text from Jacob. She put the phones back in her pockets and walked away.

   I looked at Kay and she was giving me a weird look. "What just happened." I looked at her and said "I have No clue"

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