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       My friend Jasmine was over at my house after volleyball. "Hey you promised you would FaceTime Mark back after practice" she said "oh yeah" I said grabbing Jasmine's phone because mine was dead. I put my phone on the charger as it lit up a couple minutes later.

      He picked and we talked for a little bit. He started acting weird and Jasmine left the room with her phone. I didn't think much of it so I grabbed my phone and texted Jacob. We both liked each other but our parents wouldn't let us date.

        Jasmine came back in a little bit later and asked me if I liked Mark. "Just in a friend way why?" I asked. "Just wondering." "Jasmine you know I like Jacob why would you ask me that?" I said. "I'm going to read you mind" she said.

        "Jasmine I like Jacob and you know this I only like Mark in a friend or brother way" jasmine then picked up phone then put it back down. " Mark was on the phone he heard all of that!" She said.

       I jumped up quickly "why did you leave him on!" "He told me too!" She responded. "So you did it!" I said "yeah" she answered.

      "He wants me to FaceTime him back" she said "I can't do this ok. There's no way I can talk to him now he's going to hate me!" "He not. He knew you liked Jacob ok he did this to him self." She said.

       "No he just put himself on the cliff I'm the one who pushed him off!" I yelled at her.

       "Kay everybody thinks Jacob is a jerk everyone he's only nice to you because he wants you to like him" She said.

    "SHUT UP! I'm so sick of everyone bashing the guy I like I'm going to end I'm going to stop liking him. Ever since I started liking him you guys have treated me like I'm peace of garbage you can throw around. I'm sick of it. He makes me happy he doesn't have to make anyone else happy because I haven't been happy in a long time I can't even remember who I was then but when I'm around him I'm happy. I don't want anyone to take that away from me because I have been looking for it for a long time."

      I yelled at her tears rolling down my face. "Because you and everyone else my happiness is gone and I will never get it back." I got out my phone and started texting Jacob. "Kay don't" she said "so now you care about me. Well it too late." I hit send.

      I went through our messages before blocking deleting his number. "There now everybody else is happy." I said. "Some people just don't want other people to be happy because they only care about themselves." I said. "I think you should go" I lead down stairs and opened the door.

       I went back up stairs and trashed my whole room I threw things at the walls and was screaming. My parents weren't home and wouldn't be home for a week.

        When I went back upstairs I grabbed my phone and texted Mark. "I'm sorry about this" I sent him he sent back "about what" I then blocked and deleted his number. 

        I still hung around my fake friends because I thought they were better than no friends and sitting on the floor at lunch. Jacob started to get into more trouble sense I let him go.

       He kept getting called to the principals office and getting suspended. I always thought to myself what would of happened if I didn't send him that message that night. Would he not get in trouble.

        I wonder if I would of hated myself more than I do now. I still feel like my fake friends are writing my life story for me. I wonder if I was the reason that stopped him from getting in trouble. Everyday I was at school he was fine but when I wasn't he would get in trouble.

     I wanted to know if I was the reason he stopped himself.

   Sorry guys but I'll start making happy ones when I'm happy

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