Thank you

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We were driving down the road as I looked out the window. The grass was bright and green. I put my head phones on and turned on some music.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "WATCH OUT!" I heard someone yell. I jerked forwards and I felt a hand across my chest. I felt a bad pain across my chest. My window shattered.

I got pushed back into the back of my seat. I felt like I was going upside down. I hit my head on the side of the car and everything went black.

"There's three people in this car!" I heard someone yell. I felt hands wrap around me and pull me into the grass. "She's still breathing" they said. I felt people put me on something. I was then lifted into the air. "No!" I heard someone yell. I opened my eyes and everything was blurry.

I saw a bunch of people and I was being put into an ambulance. I heard the sirens as the ambulance started moving.

      They were pushing me down a hallway and a girl kept talking to me.

"Keep breathing, your going to be ok. I need you to stay with me now" I closed my eyes and everything went black.

I opened my eyes gasping for breathe quickly. A boy ran over to me and grabbed my hand. I looked up and saw Marks face. "What's happening?" I said.

A doctor then walked in with my Dad. The doctor said I was fine and just had a small concussion and a broken leg he said I had some bruises across my stomach from the seatbelt

He then left and I looked at my dad "where's mom and Noah?" I asked. "Their fine" he said.

      Mark gave me my crutches and we walked to the car. I stood by the car for a second. "It's ok I'm right here" Mark said. I finally got in the car but leaned against Mark. I fell asleep on top of him hearing his calm heart beating.

     A couple days after coming home I was feeling better. Mark came over and so did one of my best friends. "Kayla?" I said "I though you were California!" I said shocked to see her.

     "When I heard my best friend was in a car accident I couldn't just do nothing I had to come see you!" She said walking towards me. "I was going to come the day you were in the hospital but I wanted to give you some time to breathe."

      I smiled and gave her the biggest hug ever. "I'm so glade you came." I said. Mark came over and kissed my head. "Feeling better?" He asked. "Yeah" I said.

     I then looked up at them and said "I want to see the car" they didn't say anything. "Mark? Kayla? I want to see the car!" I said. "I'm not sure that's a good idea Mark said.

     "Guys come on I just want to see it." They signed but started walking out the door. I followed. "I can call an uber?" Kayla said. I looked at her and she said "I know it's going to be hard for you but it's kinda a far walk, and it's going to be hard for you in a boot." I signed but let her call and uber.

     When he finally arrived at a junk yard Mark lead us over to a black car in the the corner.

     I looked at the car and noticed the window shattered. The front of the car was completely smashed in.

I walked over to the passenger side of the car. The window was shattered and there was glass in the seat and on the floor. I saw something on the floor and bent down to pick it up. When I grabbed it and pulled it out of the car I realized it was the headphones i was wearing.

The black headphones were still plugged into my phone. I picked up my phone to see the screen completely cracked and pieces of it gone.

More tears started to roll down my check. Mark came over and hugged me. He wrapped his arms around my neck as I buried my face in his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.

Kayla came over I've and grabbed the headphones out of my hands. She threw the headphones back in the car with my phone. She then hugged me and we rode home in the uber. I fell asleep on top of Mark in he's warm arms.

Sorry I've made sad imagines I'll make happy later

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