Thirteen | Kiss Of Freedom

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A kiss. A kiss. My lips still tingled as I made my way back to Evan's room. I planned on getting my belongings and moving them to my new room.

Even though my new room was only across the hall, the distance already felt uncrossable and the nights felt cold. I already missed Evan holding me at night. I wondered what he was doing right now.

My thoughts went back to the kiss. How could he even want to kiss me? How could he even think I'm beautiful? How could someone has great as him want someone like me?

His room came into view and I couldn't help but feel like a new person as I opened the door. This all felt like a dream, opening Clandestine doors, fighting Altru's, kissing blonde boys. I felt that I would open my eyes and I would find myself back at the castle, bruised and broken once again. The thought makes my skin itch.

I opened the door and yelped. Derrick Rose was sitting on my bed, a leather bound journal open in his hands. My fathers journal. I had totally forgotten about that. My stomach knots.

He looked up at me, flicking his greasy, long hair out of his eyes. "Hello Princess, I've stumbled across something interesting. Really interesting."

I glared at him, sending my hate into one look. I still remembered that night in the weapons room or the day at power training when he attacked me. It didn't seemed to bother him though, he only smiled a gross smirk, slapping the book closed.

"Give it back, Derrick," I mustered. My voice was still raw from screaming and crying and other things.

"Mhm, I like it when you say my name!" He taunted.

I stayed silent. Suddenly wishing I could send thoughts into Evans head, not the other way around. He was going to be furious to find this prick in his room, snooping through his things.

"Looking for your little boy toy? Too bad he'll hate you after reading this."

I furrows my brows at that statement. Hate me? For my fathers journal? Evan knows anything my father said or does is not my fault.

"It says in here, that your face, body, skills, mind are all creations of your lovely fathers mind. He performed his little experiments on your mom! Turns out, your not even an Altru! You just have some power that you're father shot in your ass."

My stomach dropped. I surged forward and ripped the journal from his hands. He only chuckled at me, holding his hands up in feigned surrender.

"You don't know what you're talking about!"

He grinned and clapped his hands together. He looked immensely amused. I hated that he looked so accomplished.

"I read it, pretty lady. To bad that face is all fake, to bad everything about you is fake!" He said.

It weirdly made sense. I had always thought I was unnatural. And my father was a scientist wasn't he, why would I doubt he would perform experiments on me and my mother?

I suddenly felt a rushing feeling burst through my body. I felt like my veins were on fire and I was made of darkness. I stumbled against the dresser, trying to catch my breath.

"Is everything catching up to you, pretty lady. Is it... over whelming?" He mocked.

A intense anger surged through me. It wasn't the same as the one at the archery practice or earlier with Evan. This felt wrong.

I screamed. My voice sounded like a sonic blast and acted like a sonic blast. The noise bursts through the room, blowing it to pieces. I was shaking violently as the noise echoed out of me. I couldn't stop it. It was to much.

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