The Invite

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Chloe's POV
I'm walking down the hall getting ready to go to sixth period until my friends come running towards me.

"Chloe, guess what?!" Laura asks me excitedly.

"What?" I ask, "I am in a hurry I don't want to be late."

"We've been invited to a party!" Veronica, my other friend says to me.

"Where's Sofia?" I ask them, she was my third friend.

"Right here!" Sofia says running down the hallway.

"How'd you know what I said?" I ask her.

"Well I'm normally with these three so I knew you would ask" she says smiling.

"So about this party, when is it? I ask them.

"Tomorrow night" they tell me, "do I have to go?" I ask them.

"Yes!" they all screech.

"I don't have anything to wear" I say trying to get out of it.

"Chloe we've planned for your excuses, we have you covered."

"You need to have fun on Fridays, instead of studying all the time" Sofia says.

"But we're only sixteen" I say and they laugh.

"Only, more like on the verge to becoming adults" Laura says in some weird voice.

"Fine" I say and they squeal.

"But you better have something nice for me to wear".

"Oh we do they" say smirking at each other.

Then bell then rings, "See, now I'm late" I say in a whiney voice.

"See you tomorrow, Chloe" they say as I run down the hallway.

Luckily it was a substitute, so they didn't care that I was late.

I really don't wanna go to that party, with all them drunk guys.

"Who knows, I might be raped" I think to myself.

I wonder why they were smirking when I said I needed something to wear.

I shake the thoughts out of my head and pay attention to the teacher, sorta.

The class went by pretty quick, which I was happy about. It mainly was just the class,or should I say the boys messing with the substitute. They tricked him a few times.

I walk outside to my car and see boys are hanging by it.

"Is this your car?" one of them asks me.

"Yeah" I say, they were f*ckboys, I already knew it.

"Well can you give me a ride and I'll give you one?" the blonde one asks.

The other guys laughed, "no thank you" I say.

"Awe, come on baby" he said walking closer to me.

He was pretty tall compared to my short self. I see his hand moving and I feel him grab my butt.

He then pulls me closer to him, I try to pull away but he was too strong.

"Let me go" I say but he just holds me tighter.

"So are you ready to go?" he asks me.

His friends were just staring at me, waiting for my response.

Then I seen my friends walking over with the principal. The guys noticed too and they ran away.

"Chloe, are you ok?" they all asked me, "yeah" I told them.

"Well we will see you tomorrow" they say.

I hug them and then get in my car. I drive home to my apartment and immediately lay down.

I had no idea what was gonna happen tomorrow. I close my eyes and think.

"Oh no, what have I gotten my self into?"  Little did I know it would lead me to a crazy future.

So this is gonna start off slow, that way I can write more chapters. This is inspired by fearless123456789's book Ininfity but its quite different. You'll find out soon, dun dun dun duuunnnnn!

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