Love Comes With Rules, Doesn't It?

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My dad of course is an alien like me, but he doesn't look like a human like me he started. When he was younger he tried to get someone find him but no one ever could. One girl did, but then he told her what he was and she escaped. To many people failed to find him so he went back to his alien form. And is now stuck like that for eternity, but that's not the worst part. I lied Chloe, your not the first one to find me. There were quite a few others, but most were scared of me. But one girl, she stayed for a while. But she made a mistake, and was killed. Not by me, but by my dad. He uh, eats them he says making my mouth drop. This is why you gotta be good, you only get three strikes. He makes me punish you if he doesn't give you a strike. But if I won't punish you then he will. Chloe that wasn't me who did that to your arms. I would never want to hurt you. My dad, he can take over my body he says. I sit here shocked, I mean what am I supposed to say. He  then pulls me into his lap. I still can't speak, I mean if I do one wrong thing I could be eaten. This is all my fault, my curiosity got the best of me. Just like my dad used to say all the time, curiosity killed the cat. I lay my head back onto Ryan's shoulder. It seems like he likes to hold me, like I'm some sort of child. We just lay here saying nothing. Just breathing at the same pace. I hear him start humming, he sounded pretty good. Can you sing I ask still letting my head rest on his shoulder. Anyone can sing, but it only matters if you're good or not he tells me. You seem like a wise person I say looking up at him. Probably one of the wisest of all you've met he says. Fine, are you good at singing I ask him. I would say I'm decent, how about you he asks. I've never tried to sing so I don't know I admit. Ok, let's sing together, you'll sing and I'll harmonize he said standing up with me. What song I asked him. I don't know if I wanna I say sitting back down. Nervous are ya, maybe I can help with that he says going into the kitchen. He comes back with liquor in his hands. Oh no, I don't wanna fall down any more steps I protest. He just laughed through a really cute smile. Here he said handing me a cup full of it. I don't like the way it tastes I complain. Then sing he says smirking. No thanks I say and drink some of it. I gag, it tastes so disgusting. I hear Ryan laugh, shut up I say standing up. He took a drink of his with out gagging once. Sorry I'm not an alcoholic like most teens I say taking another drink. Yeah I know, I like smart girls he says walking over towards me. And an hour later I am pretty drunk. But Ryan seems sober, hey why do you seem so normal I ask stumbling towards him. Water is good for the body he said smirking. You asshole I say slapping him. Or at least I thought I did, I actually only hit the air. Now sing he said, no way you tricked me I say walking to the table. Instead of making it to the table I ran into the wall. Sing please Ryan said pulling me to the couch. I feel so dizzy I say sitting on the couch. I looked up at Ryan he was staring at me. Ugh, fine I groan and begin singing. I don't even known what I'm singing, its just random lyrics. I sound terrible in my head but when I stop singing Ryan looked so shocked. Chloe, your voice, its so beautiful he told me. All though I couldn't really understand what he was saying. I wanna hear you sing, but not tonight tomorrow I tell him. I laid down onto the couch and closed my eyes. I felt like I was moving so I guess Ryan was carrying me. He places me on the bed and I roll over on my stomach. Goodnight Chloe, I tried to speak but I couldn't. Instead it was more like a mumble. I fell asleep fast unaware what was gonna happen to me tomorrow. ........ Boring, FOR NOW!...........

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