Distress Can Be Good, Sometimes

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I used to come here all the time with my family. I remember Claire would always make fun of me because I didn't wanna go deep. I went to laugh but then water went into my lungs. The water must get deep pretty fast because I moved back some and I was deeper then I was before. I felt my body starting to become numb. It felt like my chest was going to explode. I couldn't swim up so I realized my worst fear was happening, I was drowning. My head started becoming dizzy. And everything was dark. I felt myself floating to the top and then I felt cold air on my body. Ryan had pulled me out and was holding me in his arms. Come on Chloe wake up he said to me. I realized my eyes were shut and I wasn't breathing. I felt myself moving and then the water was getting shallower. I then felt myself being placed on the ground. I was in the sand, and its getting all over me. I wanted to get up but I couldn't. I felt Ryan's hands push on my chest and I felt the water rising up and out of my lungs. It went up into my mouth and I spit it out. Chloe I heard ryan ask, I couldn't talk. I took in as much air as I could and I heard ryan sigh in relief. I slowly opened my eyes and see ryan sitting beside me. Chloe I'm so sorry he said, he looked so scared. I sat up slowly and looked at him. He looked back at me, I love you he said and smiled. I love you to but I hate sand I said sitting on his lap. Are you ok he asked sliding me around to face him. Yeah that was scary I said laughing. Your laughing at you're own almost death. His facial expression was so serious and so confused so I burst out laughing. He shook his head and laughed a little to. Ryan, I think I know this place I said to him. Distress can be good, sometimes he said confusing me. Just know, if you can find me, I'm going to kill that guy who did that to you he said. You know I will try to I asked rhetorically. I'm so sorry that happened to you he said pulling me into a hug. I feel like I'm gonna get sunburn I said changing the subject. Don't worry you'll only wake up sweaty he said. Ew gross I yelled standing up, he laughed and stood up to. I looked around the beach and then I seen a path. Ryan walked around behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Hold up I said and pulled his arms off of me. I started waking towards the beginning of the path. It looked pretty long but I didn't care, I started walking. Ryan ran up to me but didn't stop me like last time. Instead he was more approving. I finally reached the end of the path and it led me to a road. If only I could find a sign. That's when I seen one, I ran up to it. It said "The Beach", that's when I remembered. This was only three hours away from where I live. I used to come to this beach with my family all the time. My dad would always make up a joke because they never named the beach. I smiled remembering him, losing him was the hardest thing in my life. Wait a second, is this what ryan was talking about. Is this how I find him I asked myself. What are you thinking about Ryan asked sneaking up behind me. I think I just figured out how to find you I said happily. Did ya now he asked walking in front of me. I felt myself getting tired, no I can't leave now I whined. We'll talk later baby he said and then kissed me. Of course out of reflex I closed my eyes. As soon as I opened them I seen veronica staring at me. Ew Chloe you're so sweaty she said laughing. I guess Ryan wasn't joking I thought to myself. I got up and stretched. I'm gonna go shower I said grabbing my clothes and she nodded. I checked my phone first, wow its only three thirty. I put it on the charger and them got into the shower. I think I'll start looking for ryan tomorrow, I can't wait to long. I walked into the bedroom and looked at veronica. Can we go out she asked when i sat on the bed. Yeah sure I said and we went bowling until it got to late. She had to go home and I was stuck cleaning up the mess in my room. I sighed and gave up and laid down and went to sleep. Except I didn't see ryan which concerned me. But that's when I heard something in my room. Chloe please be careful ryan said faintly.

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