These Little Hints

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I'm not writing Chloe's POV any more because this story is only gonna be wrote from her POV. ....

I woke up with half of Veronica's body on top of me. I tried to move her off of me but her dead weight is so heavy. Veronica I whined loudly and she jumped up. Oh sorry she mumbled and then rolled on top of some trash. I got up and used the bathroom. When I walked back in the bedroom veronica was looking at something. What ya looking at I asked getting back on the bed. She didn't say anything she just stared, I waved my hand in her face and she didn't blink. Veronica I yelled and she jumped and then looked at me. How'd you do that I asked her and she looked confused. Keep your eyes open that long I asked
and she laughed. I fell asleep duh, plus I'm pretty blind right now she said still laughing. What were you gonna tell me last light, but then stopped yourself she asked me. Nothing I said standing up, tell me she said as she stood up. Tell or I'll make you she said grinning. Never I yelled and ran out of the bedroom. She chased me around my apartment and tackled me onto the couch. Tell me she said tickling me I yelled out laughing. Forever......... Five....... Years......... Old!, I yelled gasping for air. She stopped, really that's all she said standing up. Yup I said, but she looked unsure. Sure it is she said pouting and walked into the kitchen. I laughed, she likes to know things, she hates being clueless. Just like me, that's why we're friends. Im not hungry but I'm so bored she complained. Well let's go back to bed I mean its only eleven am I said. Yeah but keep the tv on she said and we walked back in the bedroom. The only reason I wanted to sleep is because I wanna see Ryan. I laid back down after scooting trash onto the floor and so did Veronica. Well, sleep well I said and then closed my eyes. Except I didn't fall asleep right away. Probably because she had the tv blaring. Turn it down I whined into the pillow. She didn't answer so I sat up, she was asleep. I turned it off and then laid back down. I finally managed to fall asleep after an hour. And I slowly waited to wake up to Ryan. 30 minutes later....... I woke up on a beach and it seemed so familiar. I looked around and then noticed Ryan walking towards me. I looked down at myself and noticed I was in a bathing suit. It was a bikini so I tried to hide my self when Ryan sat next to me. That's when I remembered what happened yesterday, does Ryan know I asked myself. He hasn't said anything he just is staring. I looked around the beach, I swear I know this place. I looked back at him and he stared into my eyes. I know what happened Chloe, he finally said. I couldn't say anything, I mean what was I supposed to say. And I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you he said. He looked like he was about to cry. I still couldn't say anything, he then pulled me into a hug. It was uncomfortable to reach over like that so I sat on his lap. I laid my head on his shoulder and for some reason I started crying. It was kind of weird because I was partially naked, but I didn't care. I feel like I know this place I said looking at him. You should he said, oh no don't start that I said getting off his lap. I looked around again, I've been here before. But when and why was I here, where am I, I asked my self. Wanna swim Ryan asked standing up. I'm not that good at swimming I admitted. You don't think I know that he said smirking. Hey don't get any ideas I said slowly starting to walk backwards. Next thing I knew I was running down the beach and he was chasing me. He caught me so fast and then practically dragged me into the water. Its cold I whined and he laughed. He picked me up bridal style and began walking deeper. I held on to him, honestly this is the scariest thing I've done in a while. Please don't drop me I begged him. I won't drop you he said, we reached water that went almost all the way to the top of his chest. And my back was over top of the water. I felt him slowly letting go of my feet and I then gripped on to him with a death grip. Dang Chlo I wasn't letting you go he said laughing. And please remove your finger nails from my back he said causing me to laugh. I released my grip some and then he let my legs go. Hey I screamed in fear and wrapped my legs back around him. Chloe I'm not letting you go he said, he sounded annoyed. It made me sad, I made myself annoying and now he doesn't like me. Hey what's wrong he asked sounding concerned. I'm sorry I'm annoying I said almost in tears. Ever since that happened yesterday I've been more emotional I thought to myself. Chloe you're not annoying, you're scared and I shouldn't push you he said. I unwrapped my legs and let them hang in the water. He held my hands and just looked at me. Let me guess you want me to go under I asked him. He nodded and I sighed. One, two three he said and then let go of me. I immediately sunk down into the bottom. I felt the sand on my feet and that's when the memory came back. And then I realized I knew where this was.

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