The End 😏^^

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She's so grown now, eight years has passed by so fast. Anna is so amazing. She is extremely smart for her age. She literally read the harry potter books at one years old. Right now she's in her room watching tv. I'm in Ryan and I's room. He isn't here, he's constantly disappearing lately. And not just leaving the house but going back to the human world. Yeah just four years ago told me we were on a different planet. He said he has to leave for important reasons. I don't know what's so important back there though. I hear the door open and expect it to be Anna. Instead its Ryan. Back so soon I ask him sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and comes and sits on the bed. You know I love you right he asks me. It's hard to tell when I barely see you I say looking at the bed. He then grabs me and puts me over his shoulder. He walks out of the room with me and down into the living room. I see Anna already sitting on the couch. I have a surprise for you Chloe he says to me. I notice Anna playing with something in her hands. I already have her surprise he tells me. He puts me on the ground and tells me to close my eyes. I do as so and then I hear the front door open. Open your eyes he tells me. When I do I see veronica standing I the door way. What I ask in shock. She smiles and I run up and hug her. She hugs me back and we stay there like that. Until Ryan breaks us up by fake coughing. Chloe, I've been leaving just so i could convince her to come see you. Yeah, and it's been eight years. How do you look so good she asks me. I smile, is that her she asks Ryan while pointing to Anna. Yup he says and she walks over to Anna. Hi I'm veronica she says holding her hand out. Anna shakes her hand and out of nowhere hugs her. I know exactly who you are Anna tells her. I look at Ryan on a confused way. He grins and motions for me to look back at them. I'm so glad I finally get to see you with my eyes Anna says. This whole thing is just confusing. Can she stay the night I ask Ryan. That's the plan he tells me. Anna pulls away from veronica and runs to me. She just as great as you said she was Anna tells me. She's never heard of veronica how does she know her. What I ask, Ryan and veronica are just smirking. You know something I don't I say to them. Yeah, Anna go show veronica to your room I tell her. They leave so its just Ryan and I. All alone are we he says pulling me in front of him. What just happened with Anna I ask him. I told you she was special he says vaguely. So she basically knows everything I ask. Everything you and I  know she knows. I smile, our amazing little girl I say to him. We go up into our room and veronica and Anna come in. And that's how the rest of my life went. I love you so much Anna and Ryan you too. Please keep her safe Ryan. And Anna keep your daddy happy. I know you miss me but it'll be alright. See you in heaven, love Chloe/ mom I read off the paper. I wish she was still here I say to my dad. So that's how she felt about everything he asks. Can I keep this he asks me, yeah I say and hand it to me. My mom died a year ago. We don't know how she just did. I miss her but my dad misses her more. I stand up and hug my dad, he's in tears. I wish she was still here he says crying. I know, I pull away and he wipes his eyes. She wouldn't want us to be sad I tell him he then says,No, no she wouldn't. The End....

Well that was a major plot twist...... 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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