I'm Not Like You

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( a really bad video i made back when they broke up)Daniel was on a stretcher covered in blood and had broken bones. I then seen Ryan, he was in handcuffs. He had not one scratch on his body either. He was sitting on the ground next to a police officer. I ran over to him with Veronica following me. I went to hug him but the police officer pulled me away from him. Get your hands off of her Ryan said springing to his feet. They tried to push him back down but they couldn't. Grab Veronica and come here Ryan told me. I grabbed her and pulled her next to me. Close your eyes I heard Ryan say and I did. He quickly kissed me and when I opened my eyes we were at a house. Its the house I was at in my dreams. How the heck did you do that Veronica and I yelled at the same time except I yelled the word again causing Veronica to look at me shocked. Again she asked shocked, Chloe who is this guy she yelled. Ryan I said turning to look at him. Where did he come from she asked me as Ryan was trying to get the handcuffs off. I guess you could say she found me Ryan said smirking. I almost burst out laughing because only I knew what that meant. Veronica looked so confused, what the hell does that mean she asked causing me to burst out laughing. Ryan was laughing to but Veronica looked angry. Do you wanna know the full story I said calming down. I don't like when she is upset. Duh she said annoyed and we sat down on the couch. I heard something snap, and then I heard Ryan say finally. He sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap. It all started that night when you forced me to go to that party. And then you abandoned me. I got drunk and fell down the steps. But once you put me in the car I had the first dream. And then I told her the rest of the story for about an hour. That still doesn't explain the teleportation thing. Yeah I would like to know about that to I said looking at Ryan. Alright if you must know he said smiling. I'm not a normal human being like you, that's why I've been trapped. People didn't like my kind, so they trapped us. They thought since they didn't like us no other humans would. So the only way to be free was to make that human fall in love with you, and get them to find you. That's kind of hard for a three year old to do that. And if you can't get someone to find you then you die trapped in this "system". But then you came along and saved me he said hugging me. But I don't know how to explain what I am. I guess I'm kind of like some sort of alien he said scratching his head. And I can only teleport with the person I love, which is you he said making me smile. So an alien Veronica asked clearly shocked. I was shocked to but I didn't care. So how come you aren't ugly like scientists say she asked him. Veronica I yelled slapping her leg. Because there are only a few humans that are still aware of our existence he said making our mouths drop. But I can't go back there now, they've seen what I did he told us. Can you fly Veronica blurted out all randomly causing him to laugh. No, I'm almost like a normal human just not all the way he said smiling. So are you guys willing to stay with me he asked. Yeah of course we will we said at the same time. That means you can never go back and see your family he said shocking me. Never, Veronica asked even though she knew the answer. What if we don't wanna stay Veronica asked. His response made me jump off his lap and made us back up all the way to the wall.
My poster if dove cameron is staring at me while I write this and its freaking me out. 0.o

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