Chapter 10: Angelique Patenuade

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Sorry for how long it took me to write this chapter!! I made it extra long.  Anyway, cheers and enjoy! (we may have described Angeline's room a bit too much but we wanted to really set the scene)

This time as I went through the door in front of Angeline I tried to hold my head high. There was no way I was going to show just how terrified I was.

"Hang on." She turned and locked the door behind us with the same key that unlocked my cell. As she tucked it back into her pocket she noticed me eyeing it. She smiled, "follow me."

She set off down the hallway, but instead of going down the main hall to the throne room she led me up a set of stairs.

"Where are we going?"

She ignored me and continued walking. I eyed her back warily and then braced myself, catching hold of her sleeve and twisting her around. "Damn it Angeline! Where are you taking me?!"

As soon as I touched her she grabbed my arm. Twisting it behind my back she whispered into my ear calmly , "I'm only going to say this once so listen closely. Everything you know is about to change, so stop acting like you have a say here. You don't. Your job right now is to shut up, and follow me." She let go of my arm and began strolling down a hallway. I swallowed and followed her.

As soon as Angeline closed the door behind me her whole demeanor changed.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She held my hand while I stared at her in confusion.

"What?" I asked blankly, was this some kind of trick? What the hell?

She studied my face with something that looked almost close to concern. I looked away, and around at the room we had walked into. It was beautiful but after my little "tour"around Angeline's "house" nothing could really shock me.

The walls were strictly white, and black polished tiles covered the floor. Black bookshelves filled with all sorts of books littered the room, some very old and others looked fairly new. A magnificent four posted bed with gold curtain drapes stood towards the left of the room. Her covers were the most beautiful burgundy colour and she had so many pillows I couldn't really be bothered to count. She had a burgundy dressing table that was covered in the most gorgeous jewellery. Next to it a gold, full body mirror that had a elegant rim to it. As I looked further I noticed the walls had the same candle lights as the halls, with gold bases to them. The candles looked so elegant, matching the rooms look entirely. She had large doors that opened out onto a beautiful balcony that faced the gardens. Freshly cut red roses were sitting in a vase on the small white table that matched the exquisite chairs that finished the set. I looked over to the right of her room and saw these two sets of gold doors that folded to form the rest of the wall. They were partially opened at the end closer to me and I could see a stunning black and white grand piano. I didn't even know they made them that colour. Around that room there were more black shelves riddled with music books and what looked to be some photo albums. All in all, the room was elegant, gorgeous and beautiful and somehow seemed to match her perfectly. It was like I could just not look away.

"Gosh you're almost as pale as I am! "She led me over to a mahogany table that looked as though it could seat my entire year eight class. "Here," she held out a small glass of water and I was about to take it but then my eyes laid on a wine glass half full of a crimson liquid that I seriously doubted tasted anything like wine. Angeline followed my gaze and she looked back at me with sympathy. "I'm sorry for what has happened to you Hayden."

I just continued staring at the glass on her bedside table. I couldn't bring myself to look in her eyes. After everything that had happened she honestly expected me to believe anything she said? The vampire sighed and, finally, explained.

"As you know, my mother and father are... Well... Royalty, and though that has some advantages its very... Lonely..."

I snorted and she looked at me, "I'm serious, when I was younger I had a few human and... Non- human friends. But as I grew older mother and father took away that piece of freedom that I managed to gain for myself, all I had was Cole and it was hard to talk to someone when you knew you're spending the rest of your immortality with him."

I stared at her, eyes wide, I still couldn't bring myself to speak.

"So..." She said, "My family decided that every few years, they would let me invite one person into our world as my friend... Companion..."

"Why the hell did you chose me then?!" Finally my voice worked and she looked shocked, like no one had yelled at her in a long time... Well, let's change that.

"I chose you because out of all the mortals who were in our year, you were the one who came up to me and asked me if I was okay. You talked to me, joked with me, ate all my food that I couldn't actually stomach back then... And you taught me that I could do what I wanted with my life."

"Yeah, and when I said that you could repay me this is not what I had in mind!"

"You can't reject this offer, Hayden. This is something that you cannot refuse."

"I don't want this!" My voice rose, breaking, "what the heck happened to your last "friend"?"

"... She... Asked to become a vampire..."

I froze. "What?"

"Not all the myths about supernatural creatures are fake Hayden, we can still turn humans into vampires, but only the purebloods carry that burden."

"Why the hell would she want to spend the rest of her life drinking that!?" I pointed angrily at the glass and she sighed, "not everything about this life is a curse. We are immortal, fast, healing, strong, is it really such a terrible thing?"

All my comebacks were gone.

"In this position you are able to find out so much more about our culture and I personally will teach you our ways and how to defend yourself, but there are risks..."

"Really? Risks? Nah, there can't be, this is a completely harmless way of life!"

She ignored me and continued "What you need to understand is that you will be treated... Differently from others... Such as my brother. And that I will act differently towards you in front of others. To most vampires humans are nothing more than pets, or nuisances."

"Yeah, you really set me up for a great time!"

This time she glared at me, "Will you shut up? I'm still a princess and you still have to do as I say."

"Jeez, your parents really did baby you didn't they?"

The only proof I had that she slapped me was a stinging feeling on my cheek. Apart from that I hadn't even seen her move. I swallowed and decided that maybe, just maybe I should tone it down a little, maybe if she thought I was on her side I could find a way out?

Woah Hayden, a little voice inside my head scoffed, they're vampires, you're a human. They are practically gods! How can you compete with something that has been alive hundreds of years?

But maybe, just maybe... Thats what they were all thinking too.

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