Author's Note

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So I have been really busy in the last few weeks and haven't been uploading... Actually, I lie. I'm actually just really lazy and have been procrastinating. Working on a book for about 4 years and now that the first in the series is nearly done I feel a bit off. Speaking of feeling off, I ALSO have been sick, which is why I'm up at 3:30am writing this. Also, a new story Unique. That's exciting. I'm working on it now actually... with a tissue box, a box of Strepsils and wearing a shirt about walking a unicorn. People can't tell me to grow up until I'm 18 so that means I have about a year to keep telling myself that magic is real. I wish. 

I'll try put up a chapter tomorrow.... Or later today. 


(v.) To delay or postpone action; put off doing something until you've had coffee.

From the mysterious person who still hasn't given her name. I guess people can just call me the Special Toaster 2.0. (shout out to da guy who said that to me in a conversation and then had to put up with me laughing at him on a train ride)

Has anyone caught onto the fact that I am REALLY weird sometimes?

(Another... much later authors note: omggggggg kill meeeee shut UPPP. Deep breaths. DEEP breaths. Anyone ever look at something they did years ago and just... want to invent a time machine JUST to go and punch yourself in the face?)

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