Chapter 44: Alexandra... Hayden Alexandra

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I felt like a secret agent. I mean, who DOESN'T want to be like James Bond. Exept with the part when everyone he loves dies.

I froze. Wow. I really AM James Bond.

I had to avoid Angeline for the moment. She wasn't my first problem.

I paused outside his door and breathed in nervously. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. This was the first obstacle. If this went well then everything else would be fine... Hopefully.

I knocked.

I had never regretted anything quicker in my life.

I stepped back as the door flew open.

"What d'you want?" Cole stood, slightly leaning on the doorframe.

I had come into contact with a few drunk people in the past so I immediately noticed that something wasn't quite right.

His eyes were slightly unfocused, staring just above my head. "Are you alright?"

Couldn't believe I was asking that question to him, but I needed to get inside.

"You.... Why are you here?"

Breath Hayden breath.

"I wanted to check to see if you were okay. Jason threw you around quite a bit earlier."

He gave a slow smile and I tried not to run away screaming.

"Sooo the little wolf wants to see if I'm okay? Why?"


Keep it cool Hayden

Charlottes voice, which had been silent since we last talked, came to me and I latched onto it, drawing on her strength.

"I just don't want to see you hurt... May I come in?"

The pureblood grinned. "Certainly."

It was around this time when I was really thinking about running back to Jason screaming I changed my mind!

I walked past him and the smell of blood hit me like a brink. I nearly vomited but just managed to keep it together. Coles room was nearly just like a teenager boys room from this age. There was a gaming console under a flat screen tv just above a fireplace which crackled merrily, and a great number of posters taped to the walls from various bands and tv shows. It would have looked human if it wasn't for the empty bottles of what looked to be blood which were cluttered around the bed.

"I see you've been... Busy?"

Cole stumbled slightly on his way to the bathroom when he returned he was wearing a fresh new white shirt and there were water droplets around his face like he had dunked his head in a water bucket. Just the idea of that nearly made me lose it.

"Angeline was less than happy about my performance earlier." He sat on a low couch and threw his head back. "She seems to be growing even more distant every day. It's the power inside her. It makes her unstable... And changes her. Corrupts her. I knew this was going to happen." He stared at the TV which was turned off and I knew it was time.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Yeah..." His voice was slightly slurred as he drifted off. "If you could just pour me a glass of that lovely stuff, right over there. That would be amaz'n."

I turned, hiding my look of relief, and walked over to the desk where a glass was already waiting.

I pulled a small knife out of my pocket and slightly pricked my finger, letting the blood flow freely into the glass. Seeing my own blood there made me feel slightly ill so I turned away until the glass was half full.

When it was done I pulled a bandage out quickly and stuck it onto the small wound. Then turned. Cole was still sitting there.

I sighed. I had been scared that he would have smelled my blood, then the game would have been up.

"Here you go."

"Thanks sweetheart." He drained it without looking and I watched anxiously, waiting for a result.

A few seconds passed and I was starting to worry that a hasty retreat might be in order. Then suddenly his eyes flew open.

Cole stood shakily and snarled at me. "What have you done you-" A white froth began at his mouth and I watched, terrified, as the poison from my blood made it's way through his system and he fell convulsing onto the floor.

"Bottoms up." I stepped over him, grabbing the glass and quickly throwing it out the window, getting rid of the evidence, then I grabbed the bottle of blood that had been untouched and emptied it aournd him, hopefully getting rid of the smell of my own blood.

"Holy shit Angeline is going to kill me if she finds out." I muttered.

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