Chapter 18: "Try Not To Make A Scene..."

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The dress was beautiful. I was beautiful. Yet looking around the massive ball room I felt very vulnerable. I mean, I hadn't been attacked yet, but by the looks of some of the vampires around me it was only a matter of time. I stared around, basically hugging the walls and trying desperately not to be noticed as classical music was played seemingly out of nowhere and vampires danced around the center in front of a upraised platform where there was a large table, and of course, a cake.

This was ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. What was I doing here? I wondered briefly if I could escape to my room but just then the spotlight was thankfully turned away from the strange, only human in the room.

Angeline and Cole were walking, arm in arm down the staircase, every inch of royalty. As with everyone else I stopped and watched, but I doubt everyone else had their mouth partly open in awe. I closed it, realizing how stupid it looked and quickly tried to move away from the stairs. I did NOT want Angeline to catch up with me at that moment. Not when everyone was watching the birthday girl.

The princess let go of her partners arm and ascended the platform by herself.

"Well!" The music stopped and all eyes that weren't already on her turned.

"Hello everyone! And welcome-" she paused for effect, "to my unsupervised party!!! I am pleased to inform that my mother and father are not home tonight. They were called away on some VERY urgent business." Laughter rang out among the crowd and I realized that most of the vampires were young, well, young for their kind. This was basically the same as an eighteen year old, unsupervised party, except in this case the coolers were full of blood instead of alcohol.

Oh God.

"I am also pleased to invite to the stage my human friend, Hayden Alexandra!"


My mind went blank. What just happened? I was vaguely aware of more laughter, laughter at ME ringing among the vampires and I felt someone push me lightly forward. Of course I still stumbled but managed to walk onto the stage with only a bad case of jelly legs.

"Hayden is here as my friend, and I do expect EVERYONE here to welcome her with welcome arms, not teeth." There was a few grumbles this time and she grinned at them. "By all means, go for it. But do also feel welcome to having a chat with my fiancé and myself afterwards."

This effectively DESTROYED all the muttering and for once I was thankful for Angeline's way with words.

I realized that I was finally off the stage when she grabbed my hands and laughed. "Did you see their faces!"

I thought of the old Angeline and this one and swore that I could remember her saying that before when we used to eat food in the classrooms in front of the whole class without the teacher noticing, most of the time.

"Yeah, I saw their faces... The ones that wanted to eat me." I said numbly and she laughed.

"Hahhaa, they wont eat you... Maybe.... Hopefully."

I stared at her then up at the golden chandeliers. "I want to go."

Her lips tightened at my request and she shook her head. "Not yet. There are so many vampires roaming around this house at the moment and I'm not letting you out of my sight."

I glared at her. "And what about the hundred vampires in this room? All staring at the ONE human and wondering what she tastes like? This is bullshit."

A few vampires nearby looked around and several smirked. Angeline completely outclassed my glare with one of her own and lowered her voice, moving closer. "Watch what you say, and before you say anything else. I did think about you in this situation, and you NOT the only human here."

I frowned. What?

"Turn around. If you make a scene I am honestly going to kill you myself."

I ignored the threat, too curious to care, and turned to notice a boy with straight white ruffled hair and, as he turned, bright green eyes holding a tray of glasses and wearing the servants outfit.


I automatically began to take a step towards him but Angeline grabbed my arm. "Not a scene, remember?"

I nodded wordlessly, too focused on the guy I was imprisoned with, and gently shook her off.

I walked across the ballroom in a state of a dream. Then came to my senses and calmly went over, asking, "what are you offering?"

He jerked, as familiar with my voice as I was with his, and turned, nearly spilling the food and drinks.

Our eyes met and I felt something break inside me.

"I was told not to make a scene." He smiled and I nodded.

"Funny enough, I was told the same thing."

We just wordlessly stared at each other for a few seconds. "It's good to see you Owen." 

I desperately wanted to tell him that I was going to try to get the both of us out of that place but I couldn't in front of so many. I had to wait.

"You too Hayden, though honestly I wanted it to be under a better situation." He looked around, disgusted. "These bloodsuckers are disgusting, and even worst I am being forced to deliver their drinks to them."

I understood what he was talking about and felt unease. He was right but what could we do about it? Oh that's right. Nothing.

"You look beautiful by the way. I'd ask you to dance, but my hands are full."

I felt myself blush, surprising myself, and I laughed.

Suddenly I was swept away and when my vision refocused I was standing in front of Angeline on the opposite side of the ball room. The vampire princess had a confused look on her face, as if she was trying to understand something.

"What was that for!?" I tried to see him over the sea of heads but she just shook her head.

"I wanted you to meet someone." She looked slightly nervous and I couldn't think of why until I noticed that her eyes were focused on something behind me. Or someone.

I turned and realization dawned in my eyes.

It was him. I knew that bronze hair and blue eyes, much in contrast to the black suit and shirt with a blood red tie that he was wearing.

I couldn't see anything in his eyes that he remembered me and somehow I found that I was disappointed. Then I was disappointed in my disappointment. The vampire who gave me the antidote looked at Angeline with questions in his eyes. I looked back at her too and she explained.

"This is my cousin, Jason Monterio."

I realized that I knew that name and quickly ran through my memory. The last vampire king and queen were Spanish and their son.... I looked at him, knowing the shock that was on my face. He lost his entire family and an empire. How was he here? Didn't it hurt to be in a place like this after what happened? Even if it happened thousands of years ago...

"Jase, this is Hayden Alexandra, my friend."

"I'm pretty certain that she is anything but your friend, Angie." His voice shook me somehow but I ignored it, focusing on how he immediately saw through the shallow lie. He looked at me with little interest but offered his arm for me to take.

I stood there, confused and Angeline looked double so. He stared at the ceiling and I, swallowing slightly, took his arm hardly looking back at Angeline.

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