Chapter 13: Fear

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Just a little note from the author here. Hi all. OMG 406 VIEWS OMGOMGOMGOMG Thanks for reading!!!! Thank you so much! And I have thought about something else. It says that the genre of my book is werewolves. I know that I have only mentioned vampires so far, but don't worry, the werewolves will appear😉

As we walked through the seemingly empty halls. Candles flickered along the halls which were dotted with paintings of Angeline and her family.

"Don't suppose this would be one of the rare occasions when you'd tell me where we are going?" My voice sounded strange echoing down the hall. Angeline gave no answer.

"Thought not...." I muttered.

She seemed to hardly make a sound as she moved, which just made me sound loud and clumsy with every step. Each... Step... The hall swam before my eyes and I halted, almost stumbling.

"Angeline?" I couldn't get any other words out as an excruciating pain raked my body. I hugged my stomach and the vampire turned and with the utmost calm, pulled a black silk drawstring pouch from her coat. She opened it, and pulled out a small orb which looked as though it was containing a blue liquid. walking over, she held my shoulders, put it in my mouth.

My first response was to spit it out... On her. But she put her hand over my mouth and calmly informed me. "It's the antidote, bite down on it."

As I did a disgusting taste filled my mouth and I gagged. She stepped away as I coughed and a massive headache overtook me. Angeline went to help me up but without thinking, I shoved her away.

She flew back and crashed into the wall. I stared in astonishment as she stood, brushing off her clothes with an air of someone who seemed a bit pissed off. I stared at my hands. Where did that strength come from? The power to push a vampire into a wall? Or did I just catch her off her guard? I tried to feel the same strength again but none came. I remained just as weak as I had always been.

Angeline stopped in front of me and I stood slightly defensively.

Instead of slapping me, which I was sure was what she truly wanted to do, she merely said, "a side effect of the cure. Next time warn me if you feel that you need to shove me into a wall so we can avoid that happening again."

"But what happened?" I started to ask but the vampire cut me off.

"Like I said, a side effect. For a moment your muscles were given a lot of strength and I just happened to be standing there. No hard feelings." But as she said the last part her voice was strained.

I took a small step away from her but she seemed very interested in a small particle of dust that had fallen on her coat.

"Are we... You said that you wanted to show me something." I wasn't sure if talking at that moment was the best idea.

She looked like showing me what she planned to was the very last thing she wanted to do but she regained her posture. Drawing a breath, suddenly the cool icy expression was back in place. "Yes, yes of course." She walked over to a side door and walked through

into the garden.

My body tensed and for a brief moment, I thought of what it would be like outside those gates. I could see my family, my sister, my dog..... Riley... She warned me of going with Angeline.

I froze. Riley warned me. What did she know? Was everyone keeping secrets from me this entire time? What was going on? Was there a bigger picture here? I took a small step towards the entrance in the distance but Angeline quickly removed any hopes of escaping.

"I hope you're not planning on doing what I think you're doing." Her voice was soft next to my ear and I could feel her threatening presence next to me. I forced myself to relax.

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