Kris - cool but sweet

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You are dating Kris for about 5 months

He is like a prince in your school (yeah you go at the same school). Because he is basketball team captain, he came from wealthy family, aand he is good-looking ofc.


He is a cool person, not a jerk, but a cool person. Well maybe sometimes he can be a jerk.

At first, he is not that cool, and even when he confess you could see his cheeks blushing so cute, aand back then, he sometimes do an aegyo to you. But now? He is acting normal like when you two was just a friend, no lovey dovey things. But yeah sometimes he give u a hug or a kiss, but not as often as the first time you were dating.

Its kinda make you upset sometimes, but you try so hard not to mad because you scared Kris will not really care about that.


one day you sent Kris a message on Line

You: oppaa~ can I come to your house today?

you wait for a few minutes and then you phone buzzing

Kris: No, i have a basketball practice

you reply

You: Oh well, I will come to see you then! ^^

Kris: K

You read his last message

JUST 'K' ?????????? UGH... Kris, really... -_-

You huffed, take a deep breath, and you decide to prepare some peanut butter and jelly for Kris. You try to forget how Kris act while spreading a peanut jam on the bread, but it hurts you when suddenly something pass your mind 'what if he doesn't love me anymore?', and your tears starts flowing down to your cheek.


You see Kris playing basketball with his mate, but you saw a pony tail on his mate hair

'so it is a girl?'

You go beside the field, "Kris ge!" you shout with a smile, forced smile, because you heart is kinda hurt seeing Kris with that girl.

They stop and Kris aproach you, that girl following behind his back.

'Ugh why is this girl following..'

"Hey ____", "Hi Kris... Here, I have peanut butter and jelly for you.." you hand the lunch box with peanut butter and jelly on it

"Oh no thanks, but I have eat Stacy's salty peanut butter and jelly.." Kris elbowing Stacy's hand, "Ya! It becomes salty cause of your sweat!" Stacy sticking out her tongue. They laugh together, you saw Kris laughing very hard, you are kinda surprised, because Kris is often laughing like that with you now.

You forced a smile, your heart hurts, "Oh ne.." you squeak. They stop laughing, "Ohya, Stacy.. this is _____, my girlfriend." Kris said, you glad Kris still admit you as his girlfriend. Stacy give you the look that says, 'ewh.. you?'  for a while, before she take your hand and shake it, "Ohh.. hi im Stacy! Im the captain for girl basketball group. Nice to meet you, ____!" she said, you nods and smile. She let your hand and you swear you saw her wiping it behind her back.

Kris seems didnt noticing that, "Well, since its already this late, I think we should go home..." he said. After they say goodbye, Kris walk you home.

On the way to your house he is not speaking even a word, "Um.. Kris, why its only you and Stacy practicing?" you said breaking the ice.

"Because we are captain, so we must work harder..."

You nods, "And.. you are eating lunch with her?"

"Yeah.. She bring a salty peanut butter and jelly.. hahah.." he chuckles

your heart hurts again, "Hhmm... how close are you, with her?"

"Mmm... We meet each other since the first time we both become captain, so i think its kinda close... I consider her as my sibling, you know." he chuckles again


that word echoed in your head, your tears start falling and then you run to your house. Left Kris alone, "Ya! _____!" he shout your name, but you just dont want to turn back this time.

Kris POV

She runs after I tell her how close I am with Stacy

"Ya! _____!" I shout her name, but she didnt turn back. I feel kinda worried about her, but why is she acting like that?


Normal POV

You decide to ignore Kris for a while at school, some part of you think that that is selfish but WHO CARES?? If he still love you he will try to say sorry to you right? You open your journal, and find the notes that your friend writes;

15 things a girl wants from her guy but won't ask for

1. Good morning / goodnight text

2. Pictures taken together

3. Surprises, esp little ones

4. Visiting and bringing her fav food

5. A hoodie with his scent all over it

6. Really long hugs

7. Slow dances

8. Sincere compliments

9. Singing her fav songs, even if it's out of tunes

10. A cute stuffed toy to hug when he's not around

11. Real, deep convo

12. Nonsense but funny convo too

13. His 'gentlemanliness'

14. Comfort & patience when she's in tears

15. Telling her how much you love her

you read those list, yeah Kris was like a perfect boyfriend back then, but now... 'maybe he is bored with me' you think sadly, you write that tought on the next page. Tears flowing from your eyes, you wipe it fastly and huffing. You take your journal and go out from class to take some fresh air.

You siping your ice lemonade while you are walking, you saw Kris with a girl with a bun this time, you remember that she ia one of the cheerleader. They both laughing and look so happy like a couple

That should be me! I am his girlfriend!

Your tears running down your cheek, you loose your grip and you drop your lemonade and journal.


Kris turn his head, he saw you. You both made an eye contact, and you just run.

Kris POV

"Ya! ______! ______!!! ishhh.." i ruffle my hair, and look around. Theres a journal on the floor beside a puddle of lemonade. I take the journal and read the cover.

_____'s journal

So it belongs to you!

"Whats wrong Kris?", Yeon Ah said. I shake my head, "No.. nothing.."


At home, I read all _____ journal, its breaking her privacy, but I am just dead curious about that. And then I found this list, 'ooh.. so, thats what she want from me...' , I turn the page and found this..

Maybe he is bored with me

'But, im not bored with you...'



Im gonna make this one as 2 parts! Sorry if its boring >< i am still a beginner! Please support and vote if you like! I appreciate comments! ^^

xoxo mwah!

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