???? - surprise marriage

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It's been 6 years since the first day he confess to you, and it's been 6 years since you said yes to his confession. You've been trough up and down condition, but you still together. He always tought that you are his precious thing, and you always thought that he is your all. One day he realized that you are more than precious.


Your boyfriend stop his car in front of your house.

"Look umm, I have to tell you something.." he sighs, "Hmm okay..." You face him.

"I.. I cant get trough this anymore... We have to... end this relationship....." He look down. You gasp, "WHAT?" you said in disbelieve. He look straight, his jaws strengthen, "Just.. go.."

Your vision get blurry, you open your mouth but you can't say any words. You just open the door and rush to your home. Feels like total crap.

2 days later

You dont want to check your phone, you dont want to go out or even watch TV. You just rolling on bed, crying, punching your walls, more crying and eat a little.

Knock knock

You drag your body to the front door, probably just mcdonalds that you order half an hour ago.

"Hello! Oh god you look like a crap.."

It's your friend at campus, "Yeah I know..." you mumble, "come in..."

"I have to tell you something, ____", Your EX-boyfriend voice suddenly echoing on your mind, "mmm yeah what?", "Im going to get married.. and I haven't looking for my wedding dress yet, please help mee!" She said, making cute face.


"Why should I?", "Because you are the only person that I know that come from designing department, please please please." she said. Fyi, she came from architecture department, you know each other from an event in your campus. You sigh, "okay.. but let me brush my teeth first"

After brush your teeth, wash up your face and change your PJ into comfortable ripped jeans, navy blue long sleeve t shirt, and a pair of converse, you finally go out from your house.

Your friend bring you to the most famous wedding dress store, it's popular for the expensive price. You both get out from your friend car. A handsome salesclerk open the door for both of you, "welcome" he said.

Then a woman approach you and your friend, her name is 'youn ha' its written on her name tag. "Hello, can I help you?", "I want to see wedding dresses.."

The woman bring both of them to a clothes hanger rack /? with a lot of pretty wedding dresses, each of the dress have a tag saying 'new arrival' hanging by a gold string on the hanger.

"It's our new collection, fall-winter 2014. I recommend you this one..." she said as she pulled a very beautiful dress. It was simple but elegant. Somehow it's sparkly under the lights, it was strapless wedding dress, it has a baby blue ribbon around the waist line and it has some roses decoration on the bustier, the roses shaping a heart shape. It's cute but it's too cute for you, "How is it _____?" your friend ask, "ummm too romantic?" you said, "I think so too..."

You feel like you have been checking 1001 wedding dresses but your friend didn't have found the right dress yet. Well most of them is not your style, but some dress that you think is totally her style is still a no for her. Sometimes you see her eyes sparkling, and she smiling happily but when she ask "do you like it?" and I said "not really" or even "yeahh... it's an okay for me" she would return it to the hanger. That's weird but you decided no to care about that..

"I'm sorry miss but I really don't have any idea of what dress you like to wear.. But I think you should try this one"

The woman take a dress, it has a tag with 'fall collection - 2008' written on it. It was the time when he confess to you, and the time when you said yes. You slap back that memory and look at the dress. It actually really really beautiful, your heart beats faster when you see the dress. You've literally fall in love with the dress.

Its just simple white dress with sabrina type for the neck, it have long sleeves with the white semi transparent thing /? (You know what I mean rightt?) as the sleeves. It have a black smooth suede belt on the waist, it's a body fit from chest until waist but the skirt falls perfectly, it have a little bit glitter so when the skirt moving it start to sparkle.

"This is... perfection~" you hear your friend saying, "oops wait I have to pee" she said then rush to bathroom. The woman nods then look at you who still staring the white dress, "Do you like it?" she ask. You nod, but then you can feel a tear drop to your cheek, "Sorry, umm but did I said something wrong?". You shake your head then wipe your tears, "No just... I remember someone.." You said. Yes, you remember him. You cant stop imagine how his face will be if he accompany you to buy you wedding dresses, how his face will blush if he see you. Or maybe he will not. You have a feeling that if you are still together, he will take you to this kind of place.

"I think you should try it... You know. I think it will fit perfectly to your body." the woman said. You don't know why but you just nod. Well your friend will not knowing about it anyway.

You take the dress from the hanger then use the dress. And it is, it fits perfectly to your body, also it have a slit on the skirt so when you walk you can see for about 3/4 of your leg. It's not just beautiful and elegant but it's also sexy. You come out to see how you look on the big mirror, "Well that is really fit perfectly for you miss..." The woman said. You smile a little, you rub the suede belt, it feels right on your body. It feels like the dress is made for you.

"Oh my god you look gorgeous..." you friend suddenly gasp in awe. You turn your body, she looks amazed, "I-i'm sorry... you are the one who supposed to try this.." you said while bowing 90 degrees. She just chuckled, "Nah it's okay.. My boyfriend call and told me I have to meet him. Glad you already try that, so I can buy it immediately! We have the same size although.." she said smiling, thats weird, "o-okay"

When you both go to the cashier, the dress cost a lot of money, it's so expensive, the same price as a brand new car. But your friend just swipe a black card lightly. 'Her boyfriend must be a really rich man'


A few days after the wedding dress buying story /? You hear knock again on your front door. You see your mom and your sister, they suddenly make sorry face and said "Sorry!!" and they put a stinky cloth on my mouth and nose and you dont remember anything after that.

"shhh!! Don't wake her up yet!"
"Shut up, you ARE waking her up!"
"Oops she is awake!"

You grumble then open your eyes, you blink several times then your vision get clear. You can see Kyeo, Chanyeol's girlfriend (hehehehe ^^), Sunmi, Xiumin's girlfriend, your mom, and your sister. Oh plus you can see Ramona, Kris's girlfriend, on the mirror, she's brushing your hair.

"WHAT THE HECK HAPPEN????" you shout suddenly, feel totally confused. They all dressed in white formal party dress, and you dressed in your friend wedding dress that you both bought a few days ago. All of them shut their mouth and focus on what their doing before. Ramona brushing your hair then make a messy bun, then tied your hair with black ribbon. Kyeo and your mom put transparent nail polish on your nail, but then you realized its not transparent, it has glittery effect and you can read 'Swarovski' with the swan logo on the bottle your mom holding. It has '100% diamond powder' written on it.


Then your sister open a box with tiffany & co. written on the top of the box and inside the box there is a really simple silver necklace with a sapphire blue heart shaped gemstone as a pendant.


But everybody remains silent.

Am I going to married? With who?


Whoops! Cliff hanger! Heheheheh
At first I want to make it just one shot imagine but I have change my mind sooo~ let's just make it more intresting heheheheheh.

Did you like it??? By the way could you guess who is the guy that you gonna merry? kekeke~ it's an easy one cause you will know who will swipe black card for you and spoil you like a princess kkkk~ ^^ I am having fun writing this so I hope you enjoy this.

Like vote and comment please :(((

Pweaseee /do aegyo with Sehun/



P.S. again I dont even know that Swarovski produce a nail polish but just assume that your husband-to-be is ordering it personally to the brand, just for you. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~

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