????????? - surprise wedding chapter 2 ^^

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After your nails done, your hair done, your make up done they help you to stand up since you wear this gorgeous Prada high heels that make you taller.

No one is answering any of your question, even when you ask where the toilet is. Well, you don't want to pee yet but you just curious if they are robots or real human. But they just locking their mouth.

You stand up then look to the full body mirror. Your hazel eyes stands out, it has some kind of fake diamond under your eyes that make your eyes look sparkly (if you want to check what I mean you can see it on apink LUV MV, its on all apink members eyes but Naeun eyes looks really pretty with this kk~). The make up is simple but perfect, Sunmi did a great job with it.

You look beautiful, you are about to tear up but Ramona, Kris's sexy girlfriend smack your shoulder lightly, "Don't cry, you'll ruin that perfect make up" she said smirking. You laugh a little, "Come on, dad waiting outside..." your mom said, "wait mom, so I am going to marry someone?" Your mom nods, "yes _____, yes" she said smiling, "with who?", "you'll see, darling... you'll see"

Your mom smiles happily then push you off to meet your dad.

And outside the chamber, there is your handsome dad, waiting patiently just like waiting his first love to come. He smiles when he see you, "Hey there my princess" he offers you his hand, "hey dad..." you take his hand, clinging to his strong arm, "You look stunning... " he said smiling, he gave you a bouquet of rose, "thanks dad..." you blush. Even your dad getting older, he will never be failed to make you fall in love with him. He is your hero.

"Who am I going to marry, dad?", your dad smile as he walks you to a really big door, "someone special, and he is preparing this for you with all his heart. I know he will make you, my little princess, as his queen." He said poking my nose. I smile a little

'Could it be him?'

"Just remember, he loves you very much, I love ypu very much and you must live happily ever after with him. Or else I will split his body into few pieces" your dad said laughing. You laugh along too. Then the doors open.

bright light attacking your eyes, you can hear a sweet piano sound playing a whole new world. The song that you always like. You walk with your dad down the aisle to the altar, as you come closer you can see clearer there is your ex that just dumped you a few nights ago.

Kim Junmyeon

Mr. Kim

Or also known as Suho.

Smiles brightly, you can see his nervous face is melting a little by little as you come closer.

You want to smack his face, really. You cant help but smiling.

You step to the altar as you get there, the priest said "Well before the wedding vow, let's just let them talk first. Cause I think both of them need something to say." all the audience laugh. As the microphone turned on you take it.

"ARE YOU CRAZY KIM JUNMYEON????" the audience laugh, "YOU AREE TOTAL FREAKK!!" you said hitting his chest. But he's just laughing, "You are crazy mr.Kim!" you said, but a big smile plastered into your face.

Suho take the microphone from your hand, "I know, I love you too" he said. The audience cheering, and you can hear Kai shouting "Get a room you two!", Suho laugh, "We will!" he said, winking to Kai. The audience starts to cheer again, "Well first of all, sorry for making you confused, or sad. I prepare this thing alone for a long long time.... I don't want this to be failed so I just decided to make you a surprise wedding, so you could only say yes" he chuckle, you laugh, "I love you very much" he said, "thats why you spoil me a lot?" you said to the microphone, "Hahahah yes" the audience laugh, "I order some of your stuff today directly to the brand..." he said. You punch his shoulder, "You should not do that", "But im gonna make you my queen, that's why I spoils you a lot. Is it right dad?" He ask to your dad. And your dad nods and smile.

"Well shall we do the vow now?" ask the priest, you both laugh, "okay" you both said.

-wedding vow-

".... now you may kiss your wife...."

Suho kiss you on the lips gently. From the kiss, you knows that he loves you now, forever and no matter what.

After the kiss you take the mic, "But promise me, dont spoil me anymore okay?", he smile playfully, "well just see what lingerie I bought you for tonight!"

The audience cheering



YEAHHHH!! Finally!
How is it? is it good? heheheh I like this imagine. Well let's just being a bit byuntae /?, What lingerie type and color will Suho bought for your first night together? kkkk~ Comment your answeeer!!!

See ya later!

Babo author~

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