Her story

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Alyson's p.o.v:

I know your probaly confused on why I am even sharing anything. I know all you probaly hate me. You probaly think I'm the bad guy on all this. But I deserve to share my back story.

In the summer of 6th grade a boy named Solly, moved next door to my house. I wals a little older than him, but it wasn't that jurassic.

I remember like it was just yesterday seeing Solly, in the moving van unpacking boxes and stuff.

I was inside of my house, eating some cookies, when my mom told me to welcome the new neighbors.

Eventhough I didn't want to, I still did. But I did complain.

"Al, go welcome the neighbors. They are new, remember when we were new, and no one welcomed us?"

"Yeah, mom, but I don't want to. It's going to be weird. Why can't Kyle do it?"

"Kyle is like 9! He's barely in 4rth grade. He won't know how to welcome people. And plus your about to be in 7th grade, so that means your technically already a teenager."

"Ughhhh! Fiiiine."

I then slowly walked outside, and waved at the people. They seemed nice. I welcomed then Yada Yada Yada, and then came across Solly. He was pretty cute.

"Hi. My name is alyson and you?"

"Um, hi, um, my name is, um, Solly."

"Cool name. How old are you?"

"I barely turned 10, and you?"

That moment I wanted to scream. All the cute guys were either older or younger. I was about to turn 13! He's like my brother's age.

"Oh, I'm 12."


So that was our big conversation. After we became friends. I started growing my crush on him. Eventhough he was younger than me, he was pretty mature. And he was also very funny. I could feel that he liked me too. We were ment to be with each other.

So then the year when I was in 8th grade, again. (I flunked.) I was actually really good at school, but I flunked in purpose because, Solly was going to 6th grade to the same middle school. I was finally able to see him in school too.

It was like the first month of school. We hung out all that month. Until. A new student came. Her name was kureiji.

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