Evil to its finest

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Child's p.o.v:

I was coming back from the forest, to my house. I was flying with Jax. When we got there, I noticed I had mail. That was really rare, we never get mail.

I opened the mailbox, and saw a little package.

"What is it?" Asked jax.

"Like I know. Let's open it."

Inside the package was a letter.

Dear kureiji,

I finally got out of the hospital. Now, I'm not in a body cast, and all. I'm in good shape, so I have no exuse not to kill you. But because, your going to send your boyfriend, to attack me again, I will kill everyone you love, instead of killing you. For you can understand my pain, in loosing my love. Now you would know how it feels to have your love taken away from you. So appreciate the time you have with them, because you'll never know...


Your worst nightmare

"This girl don't scare me." I said.

"Yeah, and if she even touches one hair on your head, she won't even have a chance to go to the hospital."

"I get it, you can beat her up, and all."

"Look, I like you so much, and I just want to protect you, from people that can harm you."

"I know. But I can protect myself." I said while letting go of jax. "Bye jax."

He then walked away.

~~~~~~~~Kimyona's house~~~~~~~~~

"Kimyona" whispered a male voice, into my ear while I was asleep. My heart almost stopped.

"Kyle?! What the heck, why are you in my be-"

"It's jax, stupid."

"Ahhh!, that's worse."

"It's not what you think okay. Look you and I need to make a plan.

" The plan involves kureji."

" The plan is to keep her safe. Alyson is going after everyone she loves. Obviosly you and me."

"Why me?"

"Because your her best friend."

"Okay, and why you?"

"Because, I want to protect her."

"And she don't give a crap about you."

"Shut up."


"Look, I know you can't be serious, at all, but this involves Kureiji. You don't want her to get hurt do you?"


"So listen."

"Okay, fine."

"So because we are demons we could defeat alyson in seconds. But because alyson is a phsyco, she can also defeat us in seconds."

"Okay so?"

"We have to figure out a way to combine our abilities, to surely defeat alyson for good."

"Oh oh! I have a book! I studied! Me, I know, I know!"

"Okay, I guess we'll have to read."

*100 hours of reading*

"Okay, so it says, demonic powers can be one, by physical touching."

"Eww, I don't want to touch you! Your crusty!"

"Shut up Kimyona. Okay so I could just tap you in the shoulder I guess?"

"It says here, it has to be both of us touching. Eww, that sounds so disgusting."

"We get it, I have cuties, but if we want to defeat alyson, we have to do this."

"Okay but- *gets a text from kyle* why does this always happen in a important talk?"

kyle: Wyd

Kimmy: I'm planning something with Jax

Kyle: what?

Kimmy: how to protect child

Kyle: You guys and protecting people, why can't you just chill?

Kimmy: child could die

Kyle: Okay

Kimmy: I can die too

Kyle: if it's that risky don't do it

Kimmy: I have to

Kyle: you don't have to

Kimmy: But I do

Kyle: No you won't. You can die

Kimmy: I said I can die, I never said I would die

Kyle: still. Is there anything I can do?

Kimmy: try to lock your sister up

Kyle: oh no. It doesn't involve her does it?

Kimmy: yeah it does

Kyle: then, you can't do this plan thing

Kimmy: it's okay

Kyle: No, it's not

Kyle: kimmy?

kyle: hello?

Kyle: don't do it

Kyle: please?

~~~~~~Meeting alyson at the park~~~~~~~~

"How did you guys know I was after you guys?"

"Lucky guess." Said jax.

"Look, just don't hurt kureiji. Do anything to us, but nothing to child kk?"

"Fine Kimyona. Now , I'm going to have some fun with you guys. Let's play a game. I tell you to do something, and if you don't do it, I kill one of your loved ones."

Shoot. I didn't think of this.

"Okay, let's start off with the guy that almost killed me. Get a old twig from the floor and poke your eye with it."

Jax picked up, a thick stick, and aimed it to his eye. He shaked. He just couldn't do it.

I ran to alyson and kicked her in the "girl nuts." I forgot she was a girl.

"Owww. Your going to pay for that." She got a blade from her pocket and aimed it to Jax's neck.

"Wait, I thought you said loved ones. I don't love jax.

"But, if he dies, then kureiji, will be sad, and you will feel guilty."

"Hahahahahahah. So I guess you don't know her. She hates jax."

"Oh. I see."

I saw Jax getting ready to cry. I've never seen him like this. I always saw him as a tough guy that didn't give a damn about anyone. I guess he really did like child, and that broke his heart. I hope he knew I was lying to get alyson to stop trying to kill him.

Alyson let go of the knife and aimed it to my neck. Why didn't I just let her kill jax?

"Well. She won't have her best friend, with her."

"Fine just kill me. But jax, if you see child, tell her that even though she can be a little hurt full, and rude sometimes, she's still the bestest Friend I ever had. She's been there for me. She knows me more than I even know myself. And she-"

Alyson got annoyed and pushed the knife in my throat. Blood squirted out of my neck, like a hole inside a juice box.

"Kimyona!!!!!!!!" Screamed a male voice. I didn't get to see who it was, because everything went pitch black for me.

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