Guess who?

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Child's p.o.v:

I was hanging in the old tree, in the park. It seemed like it was rotting away. It's always been my favorite tree. Something about it, made me love it forever.

"Hey get out of the way stupid squirrel!" I said while that rodent swung across my face as fast as a jet.

I was balancing on as branch, and new I was going to fall. Litterally no one came to rescue me. Where's jax when you need him, right?

I fell backwards and landed on a dirty pond. I could see the frogs mocking my existence.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh now you Come jax." I said while clearing off my hair from my face.

And I bet you could think how suprised I was when I saw it was not jax.

"Um, last time I checked, my name isn't jax."

"Oh, sorry I thought you were-"



"Well, you can call me jax two."

"Um okay."

"So what's your name?"


"What does that stand for?"

"Mystery girl." I said laughing.

"Ohhh. Well hello m.g. is your back okay?"

"Yeah. Wait, but why do you even care."

"It seems like this town don't give a penny's worth. I'm just a conserened guy.

"Penny's worth? What the hell is that?"

"How old are you?"

"What does that have to do with anything? "

"Can you just tell me."

"Barely turned 17, why?"

"Your not even an adult, and you curse?"

"Um yeah. What are you 5 years old?"

"I'm about to turn 18 actually."

"Hell is not a curse word, it's my playground."

"Okay?" Said jax two raising his eyebrow.

I then finally stood up, and saw Jax two almost faint.

"Wow buddy, what's up?" I said catching him.

"You- you- have wings."

"Oh, yeah, and you have ears, and eyes, and a nose, and a mouth, and a-"

"Is defiantly don't have wings."

"Yeah duh, or eles you'll be killing people right now."

"What are you?"

"I'm a question mark. Nah, I'm just kidding. Hi, my name is kureji."

"Kureiji! Wow, puberty hit you like a bus!"

"Exuse me?"

"Wow. One day your a tiny person with braids, and braces, and now your an angel."

"More like a demon-"

"Wow. You are SO different. I don't think you remember me. My name is Solly."

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