No more vacations

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(Kimyona's p.o.v):

So after going to my birthday party at six flags, we had to get going back to school. I a hate that feeling of any vacations ending. Then we have to.....learn.

But we have to. So I wake up late that morning. Yay. And get ready in a hurry.

After getting to class late, I get a slip for detention! WHAT! It want my fault that I slept really late. It's not my fault I spend the last day doing all my winter homework.

So I barely get to even talk to my friends, because kureji had extra classes, like art and stuff. Jax was in different classes. That's actually not bad. I'm not even friends with him. But kyle. My 2nd best friend, actually spend the whole day helping around the school. He had to rip off christmas posters and, decorations.

So I had to actually pay attencion in class. You know how boring that is?!

"Yada Yada Yada. Math this. Math that. Square root of Pineapple is Mc2."


So it was a pretty boring day. Then detention came along...

So I sat in my seat and plugged in my earphones.

Then a tall man with a pointy beard comes in the room.

"Put those away. This is not a free class. You are in detention for a reason. So, I'm going to have you guys do something."

Everyone in the room sighs in unison.

I look around, see a couple of sophomores, freshmen, and a guy I've never seen before.

"I want you guys to pair up, and make a poster for the valentines day dance. Our school commity is working on, the music food, and decorations. But we need posters, so chop chop!"

The whole room starts moving. I know no one, and I don't want to pair up with no one.

So after a few microseconds, everyone is in pairs. And guess what. I'm not.

The kid I was talking about earlier, also didn't have a partner. Well. We all know what that means.

"Kimyona Cruz. You pair up with m.m. He's a new student. He's an exchanged student actually."

"I see." I say as I put my earphones in my backpack.

"Pair up, paper is in the back, I'm going to the bathroom."

"So. Hey, I'm kimyona."

"Um. Hi." He said in a soft voice.

I already know he's not the type of person I would normally hang out with. I'm a very loud, crazy, weird person. He's a quiet, more shy person. Not really the best combination. But to be honest he was kind of cute.

I don't know what it was about him. Maybe his smile? Maybe his hair? (Don't ask, I've had an absesstion with soft hair since 5th grade.)

So I go to the back and get a red poster.

"So what are we doing?"

"I don't know." He replied looking down.

Ughh. Shy people annoy me sooo much.

"Hey. If ya don't mind me askin, but why are you in detention? Aren't you new?"

"I tried to run away from school."

"I see. One of those days huh?"

He just looked are me, so confused. Yeah. No. He's not my type of people is he?

"Well. You'll have to get used to it. School sucks. But ya need to go."

He nodded, and looked back at the ground.

His voice was very deep. It went with how he looked.

"So what does m.m stand for?"

"Can we just do the project?" He answered titling his head to the side and keeping his eyes on the ground.

"Um. Sure. Yeah."

I grabbed the paper, placed it on an empty desk, and got markers.

"What should we write?"

"I don't know." He replied. You guessed it. Looking at the floor.

"Fine okay."

I got a black marker and wrote in huge words valentines day dance.

"So. M.m what are you doing for valentines? Are you getting people chocolates or stuff?"

"Why would I he said lifting his head up to look at me."

"I don't know. To be friendly."


"I don't know. But you better get me chocolates. I'm helping you with the poster. I deserve a reward." I said playing around.

He just looked at me like a lost puppy. Hmm. This is going to be a long day.

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