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Kimyona's P.o.v:

So I couldn't just stay there and do nothing eventhough it seeemed like kureji was handeling it pretty good.

"Hey ALLISON, come and fight with me and leave her out of this!"

"Shut it kimyona, how about you go over there and let me handle this!" She yelled back.

I didn't know what to do. They both had bruises and cuts. I didn't want to get kureji mad by interfering but i could't just let her get hurt. And its not like i had a choice, as soon as Allison stood up she fought back at Kureji.

This obviolsy got me mad and when i get mad i.... just see this.

 (Just a little less saiyan and a little more demon)

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(Just a little less saiyan and a little more demon)

My wings, my horns my everything.

Yeah lets just say that Allison would not be coming back any soon.

So after flawlessly cutting her skin deep, and basically kicking her about a yard away. Amazing i know.

You would think that kureji would run up to me and thank me from getting that Allison bastard away from her life, but no.

Instead she gave me the cold shoulder and walked away. (You try to do something nice for this girl. I swear...)

Later that day~

*Phone call with Jefu*

"Hey Jefu."

"New phone who dis?"

"Shut up Jefu. Has Kureji talked to you?"

"Not really. But we don't really talk much, unless she wants something."

"Can you tell her that im very sorry. She hasn't been answering my texts or calls."



"I am NOT your best friend and you know that damn well, you just want something."

"Yeah. But pleeeeease."

"Ask someone who cares."

*Phone call ends*

Aww. That's my Jefu. The most reliable person ever.

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