The New Teacher. 1

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"Hey Alex wait up!"

I turn back, seeing the other pupil doing advance music as well as me, Jack. A kind spirited, out going guy, we 'dated' when we were about 12 but it was one of those stupid relationships that don't mean anything. We laugh about it now. Teachers still mistake us for dating to this day. "Hey Jack, you seem awake for first period? I'm so tired!"

"well, you know me! Always awake." He smiles, looking proud.

"unless your in maths then your never awake!" I chuckle pushing the door to music open.

I turn to look where our usual music teacher is but see the head of department. "Uh, hi Sir."

"Hello Alex. Unfortunately Your teacher resigned for unknown reasons to us. However we managed to find a new teacher for you who i think is fit for the job!" Right has he finished his sentence there was a knock at the door as someone walked in.

"uhm, I believe this is the class i'm teaching now? I'm Mike Pritchard.." A tall male walked in, a backpack hanging from his shoulder. He had Short bleach blond hair, bright blue eyes and a slightly hunched posture.

"yes, Thank you for coming in on such short notice Mr Pritchard, we as a department really appreciate it, don't we guys?" We both nod slowly, verbally agreeing.

"Thanks, it was really no bother. I'm glad that I got the job, I heard this was a good school and it already seems to be" the head left the room whispering to the new teacher then shutting the door. "alright, what class are you guys? Advance?"

"yeah, it says there on the schedule what we do each day" Jack points toward a sheet of colour coded paper.

"okay..uh..practical work it says. What instruments do you guys do today usually?"

"I normally work on guitar today" I look at the teacher, studying him.

"I play violin.." Jack looked and me and chuckled, "but i forgot it so its gonna have to be xylophone"

"okay..well, im useless at xylophone but I do have experience in guitar so if you need any help Just ask" he smiled warmly.

"I could do with some help but if you give me a couple minutes to try myself" I look around the class picking up my music.

"sure thing, I'll just get my jacket off and stuff and I'll be through" he looks around the class, familiarising his new surroundings. I walkthrough to the practice room. Yet again Jack had run off to where ever his girlfriend was.

I chuckled setting up my guitar and an amp, "fucking doofus.." I mumbled to myself.

Suddenly I heard a stern cough behind me, "and who do you think your talking to?" I turned around to see Mr Pritchard Standing with his arms crossed. He had a short sleeve shirt on showing tattoos down his arms and a couple of the top buttons out. He was muscular with a powerful stature. I blushed a little, playing with my pick between my fingers.

I smirked, trying to be the top man on your first day? Don't think so, "whats it to you if i was, mike? Who's to say i wasn't talking about jack instead?"

"oh, that boyfriend of yours. Where is he anyway?"

"he's only a friend and he runs off all the time, better get used to it Mike" I looked at him and smirked. Studying his face, deep blue, lazy eyes and short spiked hair.

"Okay, okay. Rules first. One is don't call me mike. Its Mr Pritchard to you...Alex is it?" he chuckled.

"Yeah and rule one is get my name right! Maybe i should call you doofus" I laughed, sticking the pick in the edge of my lip.

"oh really?" He bent down to face me sitting on the chair, pulling the pick from my lip. "would a doofus know how to do this?" He picked up a guitar and started playing with very advance techniques but all I could think about was the eye contact we made as he pulled the pick. It felt strange.

I was so engulfed by my own thoughts I hadn't realised he was talking to me.

"uhm, Alex? Are you even listening to me or are you staring at my junk or something?" He waved a hand across my vision, jumping me back into the room.

"sorry what was that? I was uh- day dreaming?" I laughed nervously.

"sure you were, I'm just too good looking!" He grinned cheekily, looking at the sheet music. "anyway, I better actually teach you."




I looked at my phone which I set aside to check the time, 09:40, "we better pack up, its like 5 minutes till next period. If I'm late I'll get in so much trouble."

"hmm? Okay, I wasn't sure when each classes ended, glad you know" Mr Pritchard smiled, standing up and putting the guitar he was using away. "I'll just go back next door and see who I have next."

As he walked out of the door I called out, "You have first years!"

"Are you joking?!" He poked his head back through the door.

"I'm not! I can already tell you hate them" I laugh starting to go towards the door. "Let me guess, you find them very annoying, find its very rare any of them know what they're doing and it always seems they're tone deaf?"

"On the spot, I've always hated them no matter what school I've been at." He walked into the class infront of me sinking into his chair.

I picked up my backpack and sat on the desk, "By the way, don't leave right after the end, I need to come up and get my guitar before I leave"

"that's if I remember. I'll take note though. Just cause it's a pupil I like!" He chuckled, checking his phone.


I trudged up the stairs to music, The Offspring blaring in my earphones. I looked up to see none other than Mr Pritchard, I raised my eyebrow and I see his lips move. I take one of my earphones out, "what was that?"

"I said I forgot! I'll take you back up though, I'm in no rush really just a couple of friends wanting to meet up" he smiled, nodding his head in the direction of the department.

"oh look at you, friends huh? Never thought a teacher could have friends! I guessed that was illegal like everything else teachers can't do" I laughed, continuing up the last few stairs.

"Bit cheeky!" He laughed, "Yeah, I got friends. We used to be in a band but it never took off really"

As we got to the music rooms he unlocked the door and let me in, "ladies first" he smiled.

"Being nice now are we?" I giggled, dumping my bag and picking up the empty guitar case. From the corner of my eye I saw him studying my bag, "do you like punk music?"

"yeah, personal favourite of mine. Got some good bands on this bag. Dead Kennedys, Sex pistols, NOFX."

Suddenly his phone started ringing, he answered it on speaker phone, "Hey! Mike! Where you at buddy? We're waiting!"

"yeah, I'll be a few minutes, I've still got a student in the department"

"Oh yeah? Is it that gi-" the voice was cut off as he turned off speaker and put the phone to his ear.

"Shut up dude!" He shouted at the person, "I shouldn't have told you tré!" He listens to the person for a minute before hanging up.

I threw my bag over my shoulders picking up my guitar in the case, "well, im ready if your friend have stopped taking the piss outta yah?"

"heh..yeah, I'm good to go" he walked out the class behind me locking the door. "He's annoying sometimes but he's cool."

He's Different Y'know. // Mike Dirnt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now