The more you crave it. 5

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Its a true sentence: The more you see it, The more you crave it.

Me and mike spoke about seeing each other again and agreed it would be much easier to meet and go on, what I call, dates after I had finished school since it was my last year. However, spending half a year not being able to do such things with him made me crave them so much more.
It was finally the last day of school. Ever. I was excited since my last period would be with mike and as per jack was never in on last days. He had escaped school after our last assembly where our principal did the only nice thing I've seen him do all year, he decided we could have a PowerPoint made by us of pictures and videos of things that have happened of our times alive. It turned out to be fun.

As I heard the bell for the final class I would ever have I became happier than I have in a long time. I know over this whole year me and mike texted pretty much every day, flirting and such with him, I still felt like seeing him in person was so much better and I missed that.

I was rushing to the music classroom and as I almost reached the door I suddenly tripped up, twisting my ankle as I fell, "fuck!" I shouted loudly in pain. One of the first years behind me heading up the stairs.

An annoying voice from one of them shouted towards me, "its okay! I'll get Mr Pritchard" they run past me into the classroom to get mike. "Alex are you okay?" He came over to where I was now sitting and crouched down.

"yeah, I'm good, I don't really know what happened really..." I looked at him and smiled. "my ankles just a little sore, it'll be fine soon."

"That's good, let me help you up" he looked around for any pupils still hanging around, he smiled.

"what're you smiling at?" just as I said that he suddenly lifted me up bridal style, "so that's what the smile was for then?"

"of course, couldn't let you walk all that way hurt!" he pushed the door open and put me down, sitting on his desk by the chair. "I hope your ankle is okay for going home."

"why? Its okay, I get the bus home usually" I smiled.

"well, I hoped to carry out other plans?"

"what do you mean?...Other plans?"

"yeah, well, I hoped you would want to come with me and have dinner? I'm cooking?" He started to look a little worried

"I didn't know you can cook?"

"or it could be my way of saying I'll pay for pizza? And some drink?" He smirked.

"that sounds like a good time to me" I grinned back at him.

For the rest of the time before leaving we spoke about bands we liked. Overwatch, a video game we both had a passion for and played together often. As the bell rang we sat by the window and waited till the last of the pupils left the gates of the school. "seems like now would be a good time to leave without getting caught together" mike piped up and stood to get our bags.

"yeah, there's no one around, let's go quick" we started rushing down the stairs and out of the school building towards the carpark. We walked through the carpark hand in hand, trying to find where he left his bike.

As we were walking I suddenly felt someone grab my shoulder. I got a fright and turned round quickly to see jack looking at us suspiciously. "Alex. What are doing with him?"

"uh. Uh. Nothing. Why?" I got flushed and very defensive. Mike had never seen me like this and he stood back and watched.

"sure doesn't look like nothing. Are you dating him or something? He's our music teacher.

"well. He isn't anymore but um I guess. I don't know what this is either. Look I have to go I'll message you though!" I grabbed Mike by the arm as I started running and headed for his bike which I could see a few parking spaces down.

He's Different Y'know. // Mike Dirnt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now